Hence the chapter name, here we see some new arrivals. Spoiler, this is Cheyenne and her father Devon whom you may notice look quite a bit different than their redesign I posted earlier in the week. c'est la vie! Blame my inability to save files in any sort of organizational system that makes sense. Hey that F stands for Feeling, now to try for A.L. I.E.
#Lyra #cygnusstirs #3dcg #daz3d #loli #scifi #comic #android #story #intruderalert #noods #ArtificialLimitedFeelingIntelligenceException
#lyra #cygnusstirs #3dcg #daz3d #loli #scifi #comic #android #story #intruderalert #noods #artificiallimitedfeelingintelligenceexception