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[New Zealand]
Wellington-based street artist #DSIDE hacked the digital outdoor advertising system.
#AdTakeover #ArtInAdPlaces #Subvertising
#dside #adtakeover #artinadplaces #subvertising
Un artiste du nom de Broc a recouvert des panneaux publicitaires, par des affiches représentant plusieurs de ses œuvres afin de questionner notre rapport à la publicité.
#AntiPub #Subvertising #ArtInAdPlaces
#antipub #subvertising #artinadplaces
RT de Subvertisers Intl :
"Public space is not for sale" (#BuyAndDie's artwork)
#Contrapublicidad #AntiPub #AdTakeover #ArtInAdPlaces #Subvertising
#buyanddie #contrapublicidad #antipub #adtakeover #artinadplaces #subvertising
RT de Subvertisers Intl :
In Montpellier, the collective #ArtStation replaced 28 ads by art.
"Ubiquitous advertising saturates our visual space, legally.
Let’s not abandon our streets to corporate power and let’s try to reclaim such a public space, with urban art."
#artstation #artinadplaces #adtakeover
RT de Subvertisers Intl :
Jordan Seiler explains how he wants encourage everyone to do large scale collective civil disobedience projects, and promoting alternative networks of civic communication that help undermine advertising monopoly of public space.
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#ArtInAdPlaces by the street artist #Ruskidd.
#artinadplaces #ruskidd #adtakeover
RT dr.d A.K.A. Subvertiser
Situationist slogan subverted, Hackney #viviennewestwood #malcommclaren #situationist #SubvertTheCity #ArtInAdPlaces #AdHackManifesto #AdvertisingShitsInYourHead #Brandalism #AdTakeover #StreetArtLondon
#viviennewestwood #malcommclaren #situationist #subvertthecity #artinadplaces #adhackmanifesto #advertisingshitsinyourhead #brandalism #adtakeover #streetartlondon
RT Subvertisers Intl
#AdTakeover by Myth Gods #Mythny
"Why is it easier to believe that 150.000.000 americans are being lazy, rather than four hundred americans are being greedy ?"
#ArtInAdPlaces #SubvertTheCity
#adtakeover #mythny #artinadplaces #subvertthecity
RT Subvertisers Intl
[New York] Anti-advertising project #ArtInAdPlaces
Interview : RJ Rushmore, Luna Park, Caroline Caldwell
"#AdTakeover.s are just about the last bastion of subversive public art, and artists and organizers around the world have taken notice"
#artinadplaces #adtakeover #subvertthecity
RT Subvertisers Intl
[New York]
#AdTakeover by street artist
Clown Soldier
#adtakeover #subvertthecity #artinadplaces
Judicieusement baptisée "Santé publique"...
L'opération du street artist new-yorkais Jordan Seiler invite à s'interroger sur la place de la publicité dans l'espace public