I went to #Nunavut in the #arctic to do #artisticresearch into the reaction of #ice and #water to the climate crisis through sound. I developed #circuitbent instruments from scientific equipment usually used to measure properties of water, like temperature and acidity. The resulting #art #Music The Matter of the Soul, has been performed around the globe including at COP24 in 2018.
I’m presenting my methods as part of the #SoundingElements at the Royal Geographical Society tomorrow.
#soundingelements #Music #Art #circuitbent #Water #ice #artisticresearch #arctic #nunavut
The artistic reality.
Spent the day researching philosophical aspects of the narrative self, and scouring the internet for information and opportunities in Porto.
Now I'm tired, and demoralized.
Onde estão as oportunidades artísticas no Porto?!
But I know a bit more about philosophy of memory.
#ArtistLife #ArtisticReality #Porto #ArtistsOfPorto #ArtisticResearch #ThisPlaceMustBeEarth #philosophy #philosophyOfmemory #NarrativeSelf #warning
#artistlife #artisticreality #porto #artistsofporto #artisticresearch #thisplacemustbeearth #philosophy #PhilosophyOfMemory #narrativeself #warning
Ancient civilizations have always fascinated me. As a side project, I'm delving into how Greece's rich heritage translates into modern media. 🏛️✨
Here is "Seikilos Moderna," composed by Daniel Hay, accompanied by a digital artwork featuring Euterpe, the muse of flute-playing.
#AncientGreece #ModernMedia #PhDLife #MusicalAdventures #DigitalArtistry #EmbracingThePast #artisticresearch #flute #flautist #seikilos
#ancientgreece #modernmedia #phdlife #musicaladventures #digitalartistry #embracingthepast #artisticresearch #flute #flautist #seikilos
We’re on campus at Royal Holloway today for our forum day on #Technology & Contemporary Classical Music: #Methodologies in #PracticeBasedResearch with a lovely group of practice researchers from around the UK. We’re going to be chatting about the #methods & methodologies we use for doing our #research, determine what approaches we have in common & discovering new strategies which might be broadly useful in this field - excited to see where we end up with this! #musictechnology #ArtisticResearch
#technology #methodologies #practicebasedresearch #methods #Research #musictechnology #artisticresearch
Tomorrow, I will be speaking at Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (HKU University of the Arts Utrecht) about the strengths of individuals with autism in the creative industry.
Together we will explore how people with autism can thrive in their professional lives and contribute to a diverse and inclusive workforce. 😊
#autism #ActuallyAutistic #inclusion #diversity #creativity #artisticresearch
#autism #actuallyautistic #inclusion #diversity #creativity #artisticresearch
Catching up! Just posted volumes 15 & 16 of my composition notebooks online at https://notebook.caitlinrowley.com - this brings things up to early August 2022, with intense work towards the end on From the Exquisite Dark, but also some bits on A Memory of Wind & some other bits & pieces. Almost back on track! #PracticeAsResearch #ArtisticResearch #PracticeBasedResearch
#practicebasedresearch #artisticresearch #practiceasresearch
Good #writing session this morning - working on the section about how establish discursive relationships between private & public creative spaces through interdisciplinarity in my work. All underscored by Iris Garrelfs' 'Bedroom Symphonies' on repeat. Realllllly enjoying this: https://linearobsessional.bandcamp.com/album/bedroom-symphonies #listening #experimentalMusic #soundArt #PhDLife #PracticeAsResearch #ArtisticResearch
#artisticresearch #practiceasresearch #phdlife #soundart #experimentalmusic #listening #writing
Good #writing this morning. I'm working through a section on using #interdisciplinarity to establish discursive relationships between private and public creative spaces (i.e. studio/notebook/stage) in my portfolio pieces. Finding this section more satisfying than previous bits in this chapter & I suspect at the end of it I'll be able to chop out a bunch of stuff from other sections, which will be v good. #PhDLife #ArtisticResearch #PracticeAsResearch #PracticeBasedResearch
#practicebasedresearch #practiceasresearch #artisticresearch #phdlife #interdisciplinarity #writing
Last chance today to submit your abstracts for the #CallForPapers for our symposium in June, Music Ex Machina: Methods & #Methodologies for Technology-Centred #PracticeBasedResearch in #ContemporaryMusic https://www.cyborgsoloists.com/call-for-papers-2023 #ArtisticResearch #PracticeAsResearch #musicTechnology
#callforpapers #methodologies #practicebasedresearch #contemporarymusic #artisticresearch #practiceasresearch #musictechnology
Started a new #ProceduralBlending diagram today, this time for Quiet Songs - it's really surprising me how it's making me think about how far back some of the ideas for these pieces have started, with seeds in work done (used or not) for multiple previous works. Also making me think hard about why I've made the decisions I've made, which is proving valuable. #PracticeAsResearch #PracticeBasedResearch #ArtisticResearch #PhDLife
#phdlife #artisticresearch #practicebasedresearch #practiceasresearch #proceduralblending
This #ProceduralBlending diagram for Haydn Space Opera is beginning to terrify me - & it seems it's beginning to terrify #excalidraw too because when I save, some of the longer arrows bounce back on themselves & stop being attached to where they should be - anyone else found this/found a fix for this? (possible solution: don't make your diagram so damn enormous, I know). So much clarity going on here though... #PracticeAsResearch #PracticeBasedResearch #obsidianMD #ArtisticResearch #phdlife
#phdlife #artisticresearch #obsidianmd #practicebasedresearch #practiceasresearch #Excalidraw #proceduralblending
Just one more day to submit your abstracts for 'Music Ex Machina: Methods and Methodologies for Technology-Centred Practice-Based Research in Contemporary Music' - deadline tomorrow! Details here: https://www.cyborgsoloists.com/call-for-papers-2023 #practiceasresearch #practicebasedresearch #callforpapers #artisticresearch #composerlife #performerlife #musictech #musicandtechnology #phdlife
#practiceasresearch #practicebasedresearch #callforpapers #artisticresearch #composerlife #performerlife #musictech #musicandtechnology #phdlife
Closing soon! Submit your abstracts for our June symposium, 'Music Ex Machina: Methods and Methodologies for Technology-centred Practice-Based Research in Contemporary Music' by 17 March. Details here: https://www.cyborgsoloists.com/call-for-papers-2023 #practiceasresearch #practicebasedresearch #musicandtechnology #callforpapers #musictech #artisticresearch
#practiceasresearch #practicebasedresearch #musicandtechnology #callforpapers #musictech #artisticresearch
If you want to know more about Procedural Blending for analysis and creation of practice-based research, you can read a paper on her research here: http://irisgarrelfs.com/offthelippaper #practiceasresearch #artisticresearch #practicebasedresearch
#practicebasedresearch #artisticresearch #practiceasresearch
And the 29 March, join us for a talk by Jumana Emil Abboud "Untangling divinations in water", from 13:00-15:00 in The Hague.
Register here: https://recntr.nl/2023/03/talk-by-jumana-emil-abboud-untangling-divinations-in-water-29-march-2023-1300-1500-the-hague-register-to-join/ #leidenuniversity #artisticresearch 2/2
#LeidenUniversity #artisticresearch
I'm Kris, he/they.
Media researcher, sometimes called curator, occasional artist, currently based in Copenhagen. Pending between institutional and self-organized activities for the past 20 years or so. Formerly at transmediale, #PhD in media studies from Malmö University. Current and past work in #artisticresearch #mediaarchaeology transversal media practices, analogue and #lowtech dissolutions. Happy to talk here on post.lurk.org!
#introduction #phd #artisticresearch #mediaarchaeology #lowtech
An der GMPU Klagenfurt ist in meinem Fachbereich Künstlerische Forschung mit Schwerpunkt #Klang und #Intermedia ab 01.05. eine Universitätsassistenz zu besetzen:
#klang #Intermedia #artisticresearch #job
Dies wird sehr (!) spannend. #ArtisticResearch, ein viel zu seltenes Format in der #wisskomm . Talking Heads No.3, MPI für Völkerrecht, Heidelberg, 03.03., 19:00: https://talkingheads.live/
We (Uniarts Helsinki library) are organizing a hybrid seminar on Research Data Management in arts and artistic research. It's open to everyone (free admission), and the registration is open until 10 March.
When: 22 March 2023 (12:00–16:00 EET)
Where: University of the Arts Helsinki and online (Zoom)
#ResearchData #ResearchDataManagement #RDM #arts #ArtisticResearch
#researchdata #researchdatamanagement #rdm #arts #artisticresearch