^^^ The above is also why you will often see #artistsImpressions of crumby new #highRise developments draped in #greenery, and deep #blueSkys. Those colours scientifically relax the viewer and the #attentionToDetail often innoculates against justifiable outrage as it relates to #overdevelopment.
(See also '#EyeMovement' as it relates to '#RestorativeEnvironments')
#publicHealth #colour #color #propertyDevelopers #propertyDevelopment #analogousColours #analogousColors #hypnosis #bigProperty
#artistsImpressions #highrise #greenery #blueSkys #attentionToDetail #overdevelopment #EyeMovement #restorativeEnvironments #publichealth #colour #color #propertyDevelopers #propertyDevelopment #analogousColours #analogousColors #hypnosis #bigProperty
They say:
> "Building vibrant, sustainable #communities".
What we get:
> Multi-story shoebox dwellings that could collapse, are hot, crowded, induce #mentalIllness especially in #children.
Sustainable – for whom?
#vibrancy #communityWashing #propertyCouncil #builders #bigConstruction #construction #realEstate #speculation #landGrab #artistsImpressions #greenWashing #sustainable #banks #doingGodsWork #privateEquity #rentseekers #gentrifiers #gentrification #overdevelopment #bitcoinFixesThis
#artistsImpressions #communities #mentalillness #children #vibrancy #communitywashing #PropertyCouncil #builders #BigConstruction #construction #realestate #speculation #landGrab #greenwashing #sustainable #banks #doingGodsWork #privateequity #rentseekers #gentrifiers #gentrification #overdevelopment #bitcoinfixesthis