🔛 EXHIBITION "Retropektive"
25.11.2022 - 02.12.2022
Loc.: Hang Over Gallery
🔥Artist: #RfArt aka #Artitüde (click the Hashtag)
in City: #Duesseldorf Stresemannstr. 41, Germany 🇩🇪
Website: https://www.artitue.de #Streetart #Mastoart #Art #Pasteup #Urbanart #Satire #Exhibition
#exhibition #satire #urbanart #pasteup #art #MastoArt #streetart #duesseldorf #artitude #rfart
🌞 MOIN, Ihr Kleistererer*innen☀️😁
🔴 Roberto macht Mash-Up: Musik, Comic + Filme schütteln und heraus kommen wilde, bunte, satirische Pasteups zu aktuellen Themen.
🔴 Roberto does mash-up: shake music, comics + movies and out comes wild, colorful, satirical pasteups on current topics.
➡️ Artist: #RfArt #Artitüde #Duesseldorf / #Koeln 🇩🇪
Website: https://www.artitue.de
Insta: https://ogy.de/2tnm
☕ #Streetart #Mastoart #Art #BuonGiorno #Bonjour #PasteUp #Satire #GutenMorgen #GoodMorning ☕
#goodmorning #gutenmorgen #satire #pasteup #bonjour #buongiorno #art #MastoArt #streetart #koeln #duesseldorf #artitude #rfart
Resistência: Mulheres grafiteiras ocupam os muros de São Paulo
#resitência #mulheres #mulheresgrafiteiras #grafiteiras #grafite #ocupar #muros #muroscoloridos #arte #atitude #artitude
#resitência #mulheresgrafiteiras #mulheres #grafiteiras #grafite #ocupar #muros #muroscoloridos #arte #atitude #artitude