Ho scoperto che non avevo mai settato le ventole sul ThinkPad. Non era difficile da fare e stranamente non ho mai avuto arresti improvvisi, però riaccendendo il fisso e con quel rumore delle ventole, mi chiedevo perché sul ThinkPad fossero tanto silenziose. Beh, erano spente xD
Running #artixlinux full #wayland setup with #sway as WM and #runit as init.
KISS and flying, so cool 😎
#runit #sway #wayland #artixlinux
How to switch between two monitors (one on integrated Intel and the other on dedicated Nvidia rtx 3080) in non-GUI environment (tty1) on #artixlinux #archlinux #linux. Tty only shows on integrated but when x is started it switches to Nvidia. I want both tty and x on Nvidia.
Estuve probando en la tarde #ArtixLinux #Artix y me dejo una buena sensación de ser una versión de plasma relativamente mas ligera porque casi no viene con nada instalado.... luego para poder usarla tenia que activar los repositorios UNIVERSAL y luego le aumente los de Arch....para finalmente instalarle PAMAC.
I want to install #ArtixLinux. Do I follow a YouTube tutorial, #ArchLinux Wiki or Artix Wiki?
Also, should I install it on a VM first? I feel confident enough installing it on hardware right away.
Today my wifi on #artixLinux broke so I rebooted. Bios setup screen. Huh, weird. Exit without saving. Reboot. Bios setup screen. Why?
Welp, guess Im reinstalling _again_. Only the second time this month!
What #distro should I try next?
#linux #archlinux #linuxsucks #ComputersWereAMistake #EndMySuffering
#artixlinux #distro #linux #archlinux #linuxsucks #computerswereamistake #endmysuffering
Extramarital affair ended with #guix, #artixLinux is my one true waifu!
In all seriousness, the guix/nix model is a cool idea but just not quite there for me yet. It's so hard to install experimental software, the copy-paste-compile-crash loop is so slow, etc. Even just trying to get #exwm to use #emacs29 was a vortex of frustration.
#artix on the other hand...
#guix #artixlinux #exwm #emacs29 #artix
@thelinuxcast #artixlinux
It's doesn't have a default DE, but they have an #XFCE edition
@RL_Dane used #ArtixLinux for some years, much like #ArchLinux but without the #systemd
I can't say there been any major issues, sometimes some packages has been out of sync for example VirtualBox has been updated, but not the kernel drivers (sure you can use dkms) and some other dependencies.
I'm not that fan of the #AUR I wish it could be more like #Gentoo #Portage and that AUR's would update with system updates (sure you can do that with alternatives to #pacman).
#artixlinux #archlinux #systemd #aur #gentoo #portage #pacman
To my @PINE64 #pinebookpro peeps, how is running #ArtixLinux or #VoidLinux on it? Let a curious tinkerer know.
#pinebookpro #artixlinux #voidlinux
Yeah, I might try #VoidLinux or #MXLinux, both of which have been recommended highly.
I'm liking #Devuan so far on this X200, but I worry about some packages not working right. MX has the systemd-shim, so that helps things.
Also tempted to go with #ArtixLinux because 'dat AUR be fiiiiine.
Ah dang, I still haven't worked on getting an updated #LibreBoot with #SeaBIOS on this X200 so I can boot into #OpenBSD with #FDE. Grrr. Too many fun projects. :D
#voidlinux #mxlinux #devuan #artixlinux #libreboot #seabios #openbsd #fde
Oh hai btw. I'm new here looking for pals
Here are my interest
#games #linux #indiegames #proton #python #webdevelopment #cybersecurity #infosec #opsec
#OSINT #cartoons #FOSS #opensource #artixlinux #outdoors #libertarianism #fishing #hiking #homesteading #selfsufficiency #tinyhomes #minimalism #digitalnomadcy #freelancing
#games #linux #indiegames #proton #python #webdevelopment #cybersecurity #infosec #opsec #osint #cartoons #foss #opensource #artixlinux #outdoors #libertarianism #fishing #hiking #homesteading #selfsufficiency #tinyhomes #minimalism #digitalnomadcy #freelancing
Praticamente non ho più alcun problema con artix, finalmente funziona tutto come deve. Sono molto soddisfatta di quello che ho fatto finora :3
Mi resta un ultima cosa che probabilmente non farò per non rischiare di rompere qualcosa, cioè "aggiungere un tema su grub". Dato che finora è la cosa che ho rovinato più spesso preferisco lasciarlo nero xD
Ho reimpostato tutto, però come sempre qualcosa non va, telegram-desktop non ne vuole sapere di aprirsi e non riesco a capire il problema
Io da persona saggia, prima installo il nuovo kernel linux-zen, poi dato che sono io lo rompo dopo qualche ora perché non mi andava più di averlo come kernel predefinito ed ora non va più nulla. RIP
PS. quando trovo tempo reinstallo tutto e cerco di impostare meglio le cose.
Welche Distro soll ich als nächstes ausprobieren?
Garuda, Manjaro und EndeavourOS hab ich schon ausprobiert.
#linux #arch #arcolinux #artixlinux #voidlinux #garuda #manjaro #EndeavourOS
#linux #arch #arcolinux #artixlinux #voidlinux #garuda #manjaro #endeavouros
Aw hell, my writing laptop's gone and broke itself. Must've been that last update. The question is, do I want to try fixing it, or switch from #artixlinux to something else? #NixOS paired with #guix could be an interesting change of pace, or maybe #GhostBSD. It only needs to run the basics, so this is kind of ideal to try something different. I could even try #9front or #RISCOS. Assuming they have wifi drivers for whatever's in a ThinkPad x220t, anyway.
#artixlinux #nixos #guix #ghostbsd #9front #riscos
Just came back to #artixlinux after spending some time with #endeavouros . Did not uninstall the latter, just realized how much I missed #openrc and the Artix crew
#openrc #endeavouros #artixlinux
Tvůrci #artixlinux (Arch bez systemd) přidali podporu pro dinit (kromě toho je možno vyzkoušet OpenRC / runit /s6). Toto distro používám dlouhodobě. Naprostá spokojenost.