TWF you spend the evening writing the beginnings of the doco, commit it, then immediately spot several critical omissions and have to update.
Anyhoot, it's been in a private repo for a while but I've done a significant amount of the README now .. so without further ado may I present
in case anyone cares.
Using #vcvRack virtual #modular #Synthesizer to control #DMX #Lighting. Sending virtual CV as #MIDI #CC, using #MidiMonster to convert CC to #ArtNet data messages, using #ShowTec Net-2/3 to convert these to #DMX data messages being fed into a #RGB #LED #Fixture.
#fixture #led #rgb #showtec #artnet #midimonster #cc #midi #lighting #dmx #synthesizer #modular #vcvrack
Was habe ich schon immer gesucht: #midi2artnet. Umgesetzt mit #MidiMonster – Lichtsteuerung aus MIDI-Daten. Mischpulte, Synthesizer, Sequenzer steuern Beleuchtungsanlagen. Es kann manchmal alles so einfach sein (unter #Linux)…
[midi alsamidi]
[backend artnet]
bind =
[artnet out]
destination =
universe = 0
[map]{0..127} > out.{1..128}
(Werte der Midi-Controller #CC 0 bis 127 werden auf DMX-Kanäle 1 bis 128 umgesetzt.)
Man braucht allerdings noch einen #ArtNet #Node, der daraus dann #DMX-Daten für die #Fixtures/LED-Scheinwerfer/MovingHeads/YouNameIt macht. Ich empfehle den #Showtec NET-2/3 für #Ethernet mit #PoE oder das #air2dmx System für #WLAN.
#wlan #air2dmx #poe #ethernet #showtec #fixtures #dmx #node #artnet #cc #linux #midimonster #midi2artnet
Gestern erster Einsatz von #QCLplus als #Lichtsteuerung bei meiner eigenen Kapelle. Auf einem #Lenovo #Yoga mittels #ArtNet und zwei #air2dmx Nodes sowie einen #Eurolite #Node1. Letzterer meinte leider, mehrmals während der Show aussteigen zu müssen, während die WLAN-Nodes sauber durchliefen. Ansonsten lief's vom Licht her gut.
Nun Fehlersuche… ist der Node1 kaputt, einfach schlecht, oder ist sonstwas? Hachja. Vielleiht erstmal raus in die Frühlingsblumen, wenn das Gewitter vorbei ist.
#stimmung #rampenschweine #buhnenlicht #node #control #dmx #node1 #eurolite #air2dmx #artnet #yoga #lenovo #Lichtsteuerung #qclplus
Out of the following art styles, which one appeals to you most?
#pleaseboost #polls #poll #mastodon #community #mastodoncommunity #art #style #artist #artofmastodon #artistsofmastodon #artforsale #artcollector #artcollecting #apparel #clothing #fashion #design #fashiondesign #fashiondesigner #merch #merchandise #pod #digitalart #printables #etsy #zazzle #society6 #redbubble #spoonflower #instagram #deviantart #artnet #artsy #creative #creativity #crafts
#crafts #creativity #creative #artsy #artnet #deviantart #instagram #spoonflower #redbubble #society6 #zazzle #etsy #printables #DigitalArt #pod #merchandise #merch #fashiondesigner #fashiondesign #design #fashion #clothing #apparel #artcollecting #artcollector #artforsale #artistsofmastodon #artofmastodon #artist #style #art #mastodoncommunity #community #mastodon #poll #polls #pleaseboost
Out of the following art styles, which one appeals to you most?
#pleaseboost #polls #poll #mastodon #community #mastodoncommunity #art #style #artist #artofmastodon #artistsofmastodon #artforsale #artcollector #artcollecting #apparel #clothing #fashion #design #fashiondesign #fashiondesigner #merch #merchandise #pod #digitalart #printables #etsy #zazzle #society6 #redbubble #spoonflower #instagram #deviantart #artnet #artsy #creative #creativity #crafts
#crafts #creativity #creative #artsy #artnet #deviantart #instagram #spoonflower #redbubble #society6 #zazzle #etsy #printables #DigitalArt #pod #merchandise #merch #fashiondesigner #fashiondesign #design #fashion #clothing #apparel #artcollecting #artcollector #artforsale #artistsofmastodon #artofmastodon #artist #style #art #mastodoncommunity #community #mastodon #poll #polls #pleaseboost
What types of original art are you most interested in buying right now?
#pleaseboost #polls #poll #mastodon #community #mastodoncommunity #art #artist #artofmastodon #artistsofmastodon #artforsale #artcollector #artcollecting #apparel #clothing #fashion #design #fashiondesign #fashiondesigner #merch #merchandise #pod #digitalart #printables #etsy #zazzle #society6 #redbubble #spoonflower #instagram #deviantart #artnet #artsy #creative #crafts
#crafts #creative #artsy #artnet #deviantart #instagram #spoonflower #redbubble #society6 #zazzle #etsy #printables #DigitalArt #pod #merchandise #merch #fashiondesigner #fashiondesign #design #fashion #clothing #apparel #artcollecting #artcollector #artforsale #artistsofmastodon #artofmastodon #artist #art #mastodoncommunity #community #mastodon #poll #polls #pleaseboost
Out of the following art styles, which one appeals to you most?
#pleaseboost #polls #poll #mastodon #community #mastodoncommunity #art #style #artist #artofmastodon #artistsofmastodon #artforsale #artcollector #artcollecting #apparel #clothing #fashion #design #fashiondesign #fashiondesigner #merch #merchandise #pod #digitalart #printables #etsy #zazzle #society6 #redbubble #spoonflower #instagram #deviantart #artnet #artsy #creative #creativity #crafts
#crafts #creativity #creative #artsy #artnet #deviantart #instagram #spoonflower #redbubble #society6 #zazzle #etsy #printables #DigitalArt #pod #merchandise #merch #fashiondesigner #fashiondesign #design #fashion #clothing #apparel #artcollecting #artcollector #artforsale #artistsofmastodon #artofmastodon #artist #style #art #mastodoncommunity #community #mastodon #poll #polls #pleaseboost
What types of original art are you most interested in buying right now?
#pleaseboost #polls #poll #mastodon #community #mastodoncommunity #artforsale #art #artist #artofmastodon #artistsofmastodon #artcollector #artcollecting #apparel #clothing #fashion #design #fashiondesign #fashiondesigner #merch #merchandise #pod #digitalart #printables #etsy #zazzle #society6 #redbubble #spoonflower #instagram #deviantart #artnet #artsy #creative #crafts
#crafts #creative #artsy #artnet #deviantart #instagram #spoonflower #redbubble #society6 #zazzle #etsy #printables #DigitalArt #pod #merchandise #merch #fashiondesigner #fashiondesign #design #fashion #clothing #apparel #artcollecting #artcollector #artistsofmastodon #artofmastodon #artist #art #artforsale #mastodoncommunity #community #mastodon #poll #polls #pleaseboost
What types of original art are you most interested in buying right now?
#pleaseboost #polls #poll #mastodon #community #mastodoncommunity #artforsale #art #artist #artofmastodon #artistsofmastodon #artcollector #artcollecting #apparel #clothing #fashion #design #fashiondesign #fashiondesigner #merch #merchandise #pod #digitalart #printables #etsy #zazzle #society6 #redbubble #spoonflower #instagram #deviantart #artnet #artsy #creative #crafts
#crafts #creative #artsy #artnet #deviantart #instagram #spoonflower #redbubble #society6 #zazzle #etsy #printables #DigitalArt #pod #merchandise #merch #fashiondesigner #fashiondesign #design #fashion #clothing #apparel #artcollecting #artcollector #artistsofmastodon #artofmastodon #artist #art #artforsale #mastodoncommunity #community #mastodon #poll #polls #pleaseboost
What types of original art are you most interested in buying right now?
#pleaseboost #polls #poll #artforsale #art #artist #artofmastodon #artistsofmastodon #artcollector #artcollecting #apparel #clothing #fashion #design #fashiondesign #fashiondesigner #merch #merchandise #pod #digitalart #printables #etsy #zazzle #society6 #redbubble #spoonflower #instagram #deviantart #artnet #artsy #creative #crafts
#crafts #creative #artsy #artnet #deviantart #instagram #spoonflower #redbubble #society6 #zazzle #etsy #printables #DigitalArt #pod #merchandise #merch #fashiondesigner #fashiondesign #design #fashion #clothing #apparel #artcollecting #artcollector #artistsofmastodon #artofmastodon #artist #art #artforsale #poll #polls #pleaseboost
Psychiatrists Are Now Prescribing Museum Visits to Help Patients With Burnout and Anxiety
“It increases our level of cortisol and our level of serotonin. We secrete hormones when we visit a museum and these hormones are responsible for our well-being.”
#artnet #artnetnews #thxartnetnews #soloartclub #artmuseum #mentalhealthday #fieldtrip #solosocialclub #lifestylesofthesadandlonely #lifestylesoftheprettyandpretenious #arttherapy #mindbodyconnection
#artnet #artnetnews #fieldtrip #lifestylesoftheprettyandpretenious #thxartnetnews #soloartclub #artmuseum #mentalhealthday #solosocialclub #lifestylesofthesadandlonely #arttherapy #mindbodyconnection
If your interested in pushing kilopixel video streams in #resolumearena using the #artnet protocol via wifi, i have published some code to get you started. this drives 10 panels with 257 #ws2812 #sk6812 #neopixels each, using an #esp32 with parallel output at 25fps
#resolumearena #artnet #ws2812 #sk6812 #neopixels #esp32
Vandals Have Destroyed 30,000-Year-Old Australian Cave Art by Carving Spooky Graffiti Into the Rock | Artnet News
#Koonalda_Cave #30 #000-year-old_rock art #Nullarbor_Plain art #indigenous_australian art #aboriginal_cave art #australian_cave art #rock_art destroyed #rock_art vandalism #artnet-news #Antiquities
#koonalda_cave #nullarbor_plain #indigenous_australian #aboriginal_cave #australian_cave #rock_art #artnet #antiquities
De kunstwereld is nog steeds wit en mannelijk. Althans in de VS. Nederlandse cijfers ontbreken.
De website waar de Nederlandse koepel van musea, de Museumvereniging, de gegevens over publiek en aantal werkenden bij de leden bijhoudt, was vandaag onbereik
#ACTUEEL #BEELDEND #DONATIEGEVRAAGD #ERFGOED #artnet #mamacash #museumvereniging #vrouwelijkekunstenaars
#vrouwelijkekunstenaars #museumvereniging #mamacash #artnet #erfgoed #DONATIEGEVRAAGD #BEELDEND #ACTUEEL
Here is a great interview with art critic Jerry Saltz:
#Art #ArtCriticism #JerrySaltz #Interview #TheArtAngle #ArtNet
#art #artcriticism #jerrysaltz #interview #theartangle #artnet
Here is a great interview with art critic Jerry Saltz:
Jerry Saltz on What It Takes to Be an Art Critic Today
#Art #ArtCriticism #JerrySaltz #Interview #TheArtAngle #ArtNet
#art #artcriticism #jerrysaltz #interview #theartangle #artnet
#GuyRichardsSmit #cartoon #artnet //
#guyrichardssmit #cartoon #artnet
What #Art Defined the #CivilRights Era? We Asked 7 Museum Curators to Pick One Work That Crystallized the Moment via #ArtNet