The wonderful Art Nouveau nameplate on Alexandra Parade Primary School in the east end of Glasgow. The school was designed by MacWhannel and Rogerson and was built in the 1890s.
#glasgow #alexandraparade #artnouveau #artnouveaufont #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowschools
#glasgowschools #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #artnouveaufont #artnouveau #alexandraparade #glasgow
A while ago I posted the logo of the Automatic Telephone Manufacturing Company (formed in 1911) which I found on a manhole cover in Broomhill. Today, I found one in Scotstoun with the very similar logo of the Automatic Telephone and Electric Company, which ATM became in 1936. These are the only two such manhole covers I've found in Glasgow so far.
#glasgow #manholecovers
#logos #scotstoun #automatictelephoneandelectriccompany
#automatictelephoneandelectriccompany #scotstoun #logos #artnouveaufont #manholecovers #glasgow
I love the Art Nouveau font on the nameplate for John Nisbet's magnificent 1906 Camphill Gate tenement building on Pollokshaws Road in Glasgow.
#glasgow #artnouveau #artnouveaufont #fonts #glasgowtenements #designdetail #design #designphotography #tenements #architecture #buildings #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #pollokshields
#Pollokshields #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #buildings #architecture #tenements #designphotography #design #designdetail #glasgowtenements #fonts #artnouveaufont #artnouveau #glasgow
This is a great example of an Art Nouveau font on the stone nameplate for Saint Paul's Parish Halls on Dumbarton Road in Whiteinch, Glasgow.
#glasgow #whiteinch #stpauls #artnouveau #artnouveaufont #sculpture #stonework #carving #stonemasonry #glasgowbuildings #architecture #architecturaldetails #glasgowarchitecture
#glasgowarchitecture #architecturaldetails #architecture #glasgowbuildings #stonemasonry #carving #stonework #sculpture #artnouveaufont #artnouveau #stpauls #whiteinch #glasgow