Do YOU Know the Art of Fighting?
You must use Haoh Sho Ko Ken to stand a chance.
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#news #videogames #artoffighting #ArtofFighting2 #artoffighting3 #snk
Do YOU Know the Art of Fighting?
You must use Haoh Sho Ko Ken to stand a chance.
#News #Videogames #ArtofFighting #ArtofFighting(series) #ArtofFighting2 #ArtofFighting3 #SNK #videogames
#news #videogames #artoffighting #ArtofFighting2 #artoffighting3 #snk
Lenny Creston is one of the lesser popular Art of Fighting 3 characters that never made it into other games. She's a journalist that got involved by following the Wyler story and hoping it would be her big break. She fight using a whip, beating KOF's whip to the game. #artoffighting3
#artoffighting3 #lennycreston #snk