Here is a little video from the European #XFEL and the #SQS beamline, where we are finally measuring sea spray particles with Arctic sea water collected during #ARTofMELT2023. This is a fantastic facility with a great team and excellent support. Can't wait to see and discuss results!
Check out this cool article in Spektrum der Wisseenschaften (in German) about our recent expedition #ARTofMELT2023 on board the Swedish icebreaker #Oden 👇 #Polarforschung #Arktis #Klima #Aerosole #Wolken
#Wolken #Aerosole #klima #Arktis #Polarforschung #oden #artofmelt2023
May 5th, Day 8 of our transect to the start of #artofmelt2023. We just arrived to #Isfjorden and are now waiting for the pilot to bring us to #Longyearbyen While installing further Instruments, we got a minke whale as a visitor 🐋 @polarforskning @AcesSthlmUni @Stockholms_univ
#longyearbyen #isfjorden #artofmelt2023
May 4th, Update on Day 7 of our transect: #IBOden is on full speed to
escape some bad weather & we will arrive earlier tomorrow Friday at ~
12:00 (STHLM time) in the fjord of #Longyearbyen #artofmelt2023
#artofmelt2023 #longyearbyen #iboden
May 4th: Day 7 of our transect to the start of #artofmelt2023 in
#longyearbyen. We just passed Bear Island and expect to reach the
archipelago of Svalbard with #IBOden this evening.
#iboden #longyearbyen #artofmelt2023
Greetings from the bridge. Right now we can't work with our instruments due to strong waves and Oden shaking us (here: Gabriel & John) around. But the view is gorgeous! #artofmelt2023 @AcesSthlmUni @polarforskning @Stockholms_univ
1 May 2023. We are on our way to Svalbard. Current location
#artofmelt2023 #tweetpermail
Off to the Arctic tomorrow* for #ArtOfMelt2023 field campaign.
*Well, technically the Arctic isn't until Sunday, first we have 2 days of trains and then a ferry to Oslo, and a day off, before flying to Longyearbyen to join the icebreaker Oden.
If you're interested in what goes on, there will be project updates at:
The ship can be tracked here:
(currently taking the scenic route up the coast of Norway 🙂 )
RT @AcesSthlmUni
At 9 am CET I/B Oden set sail from Helsingborg, Sweden, towards Longyearbyen on Svalbard, Norway for expedition #artofmelt2023
Associate Professor @paul_zieger and PhD student Gabriel Freitas are among the scientists onboard on the transect journey.
Stay tuned!
Here we go! Starting the transect from Helsingborg to Svalbard on #IBOden with sunshine and friendly weather. On the 7th of May #ARTofMELT2023 will start in Longyearbyen. Until then a lot of preparation and testing. @AcesSthlmUni @polarforskning @Stockholms_univ
Apparently it's Friday, and it's just 10 days until I head off to the Arctic for the #ArtOfMelt2023 field campaign, so here's some #FieldPhotoFriday fun from last time on the good ship Oden. 2018, close to the north pole, the Oden (home away from home) was moored to an ice floe and drifted for a month, while we made measurements of...well, everything we could.
#artofmelt2023 #FieldPhotoFriday
Most important instrument for the #ARTofMELT2023 expedition has just been delivered right on time ☕
RT @Stockholms_univ
I Helsingborg utrustas isbrytaren Oden inför Polarexpeditionen #ARTofMELT2023 Expeditionen som leds av Michael Tjernström & @paul_zieger ska studera hur sommarens smältning av is i Arktis startar och dess betydelse för vårt #Klimat @polarforskning
Läs mer:
Three very intense days of mobilization are behind us. We installed our equipment on board #IBOden for #ARTofMELT2023 Thanks to all the amazing help from co-workers, crew & @polarforskning. Now we are ready to head up North in almost 2 weeks! @Stockholms_univ @AcesSthlmUni 👷🔨🚢
Heather putting sea ice surface imaging cameras on their mounts. Nice to have some sun after working in rain most of yesterday. #artofmelt2023
Back on my favourite ship, the Swedish icebreaker Oden, setting up for the #artofmelt2023 research cruise
En route to mobilize #artofmelt2023 in Helsingborg. Breakfast in Köln. Could have done without the 0530 start.
Packing to go install our gear on icebreaker Oden next week, ready for the #ARTofMELT2023 research cruise. In the pocket of my kit bag was the laptop network adapter I haven't seen for 3 years and just bought a replacement for.
Our mobile lab has landed on #IBOden 🤗 Now we can start with installing and testing of our set-up during the mobilization next week for #ARTofMELT2023 @AcesSthlmUni @Stockholms_univ @polarforskning
Fully packed and off to #ARTofMELT2023. Seven tons are now on their way to #IBOden 🤞🚚🐻❄️🌦️⛴️ @AcesSthlmUni @Stockholms_univ @polarforskning @CRiceS_H2020