RT @Meteovilles
❄ Voici les dernières estimations de #neige au sol d'ici mercredi en fin de matinée selon le modèle allemand ICON. On attend souvent 2 à 5 cm sur le #NordPasDeCalais et la #Belgique, parfois 5 à 8 cm sur les hauteurs de l'#Artois. (via @meteociel)
#neige #nordpasdecalais #belgique #artois
Hello, #medievalists. I have been looking for a #manuscript which was posted on reddit a few years ago. It was a letter, signed "Patenoster" or "Patenostre", and i believe the recip was Blanche of #Artois. The letter mentions Henry (II?or III?) #Plantagenet and seemed to cover the affairs of some lands, specifically a #convent if I recall right. It was in an older French #dialect, and a date had been added to the top "1300". The poster worked for an auction house, IIRC.
Thanks guys
#dialect #convent #plantagenet #artois #manuscript #medievalists
Hello, #medievalists. I have been looking for a #manuscript which was posted on reddit a few years ago. It was a letter, signed "Patenoster" or "Patenostre", and i believe the recip was Blanche of #Artois. The letter mentions Henry (II?or III?) #Plantagenet and seemed to cover the affairs of some lands, specifically an #abbey if I recall right. It was in an older French #dialect, and a date had been added to the top "1300". The poster worked for an auction house, IIRC.
Thanks guys
#dialect #abbey #plantagenet #artois #manuscript #medievalists