#Artpost #Studiotalk #watercolor
It took my THIRD practice session to nail the approach that worked on my current page.
In general, for the pages that are 'digital-lite' I use Arches CP. (I use other papers if the drawing developed in graphite or ink, and I added paint as accent toward the end.) I rarely am happy with watercolor results on other papers, for illustrations. For loose florals and experimental stuff, it matters less.
But using 3 pages of Arches before it clicked is..frustrating.
#watercolor #studiotalk #artpost
#Artpost #Watercolor #mixedMedia
working on a study .
This piece is a study only and a gift for someone. I'm practicing technique by studying several artworks and photographs. Half the image is my own drawing and composition, but that's not enough to claim as original work.
I'm super happy with just - successfully - doing the layering and waiting bits, without overworking, and studying light. it might turn out super cool, and i'll use what I learn in my own stuff. Happily.
#mixedmedia #watercolor #artpost
#Artpost #watercolorArt #MixedMedia #oilPastels #journalPages
still trying to capture the look of spring skies, and study how colors play together.
(also an excercise in determination, to get my money's worth out of my poor shopping decisions.)
#journalpages #oilpastels #mixedmedia #watercolorart #artpost
Unbidden thought:
It's my ocean, and I'll put it anywhere I damned well want to.
#waterPhotography #microfiction #water #artists #unbiddenThought #ArtPost
#artpost #unbiddenthought #artists #water #microfiction #waterphotography
**New journal posted**
Ever wonder what a week in the life of a working artist is like?
Click on the link to read all about it- https://www.artworkarchive.com/profile/w-s-cranmore/news/weekly-journal-march-10-2023
Check back every Friday for a new post too!
#artjournal #artpost #workingartist #artcollectors #artpublication #contemporaryartwork #wscranmore #pdx #artblog #pnwartist
#artjournal #artpost #workingartist #artcollectors #artpublication #contemporaryartwork #wscranmore #pdx #artblog #pnwartist
#StudioChat #ArtPost #WatercolorArt #Illustration
Every morning, I play #Artle - kind of like wordle, but it's art (the National Gallery of Art, I think, is the page host). Anyway, i'm running across new art &artists, as well as classics.
Yesterday I ran across Rachel Whitehead, an artist I heard about in the 80's, who makes casts of indoor spaces and I'm pretty sure she was the first contemporary conceptual artist who caught my attention in any significant way. I liked how she described +
#artle #illustration #watercolorart #artpost #studiochat
#ArtPost #Watercolor #Jul #GnomGnomGnom #gnome
*finally* worked up a developed version of the goat-gnome sketch! In this one he's gnudging our tired friend as winter turns to spring. #keepItMoving
Watercolor (Daniel Smith, Sennelier, Schmincke) on India CP, Really heavy paper. Micron sepia ink details.
The texture on the paper is really evident in this (badly lit) nearly finished version - it is a STRONG, but i'm kind of ....liking it! It tears easily tho, so I need to learn a work-around.
#keepitmoving #gnome #gnomgnomgnom #jul #watercolor #artpost
Today i will start sketching the next Comic page.
I only roughly write the dialogue and let my feelings go with ideas for the page afterwards., I sometimes then change the dialoque as i go in order to get the dynamic i want.
I am still a #ComicArtist in training and so i learn as i go.
Since i am better to focus my energy at the moment, i will also continuing finishing my German novel, so that it can go into formal setting and publishing soon.
#Schicksalsweber #lordofsoulswebcomic #comicartist #artpost
Been a long time that i did my traditional #eveningrelaxartdrawing with just my ballpen, a few liners and just some colored pens.
Usually i watch Netflix or YouTube and just doodle around inspired by what i see.
#sketchbook #sketch #roughArt #bigBallPen #eveningrelaxart #skizze
#skizze #eveningrelaxart #bigballpen #roughart #sketch #sketchbook #eveningRelaxArtDrawing #artpost
Boosting this to add to the next step. I'm using a different photograph of the same actor (Aaron Pierre), and will join them at some point. In this view, I've basically sculpted a sketch by using a combo of brush, eraser, sometimes resize. All hand drawn on a med wacom intuos.
It's deliberately rough and not totally proportionate, b/c I don't want to over-render before I switch to colour. I'll lay the lighting scheme over the body once I get there.
#ArtPost #Process #RepublicOfInfidels
#artpost #process #republicofinfidels
anyway if you've read the #ArtPost, and have anything to contribute to my self-made conundrum, i'm taking pointers!
Plus, its just fun to see how creative ppl handle this stuff.
If you respond, feel free to tag it #ArtPost with those caps so it's nice to read by our visually impaired pachys 💖
(ok universe - i'm manifesting like nobodies business - send me ideas!!!!PLEASE! Hands FLAPPIN and Everything.)
Please, and thank you, and have a lovely evening regardless 💖
so the purpose of this #ArtPost is to see if ANNNNNNYONE solved this here problem - keeping all the pieces that inform or construct a piece of art findable, useable, and dear gawd ORGANIZED!
I have a sneaky suspicion if I solved this problem reasonably well I'd be making a hell of a lot more art.
And my biggest problem with using the iPad as the ....clearinghouse? too many projects on it at once and I can't digitally cross reference it except mentally.....I ....hmmm.
#Artpost (these are me musing on art-topics on my mind)
I have a widely scattered mind. One of them "flappy hand" ppl who wiggle their fingers when the needed word is ....elsewhere? And these are lengthy, my friends. Me with a missing word, wiggly digits... A. Sight.
Anyway, was flapping the hands because I don't know how to STORE IDEAS. #ConceptCuration ?
(sounds like 1rst world problems but just go with it)
Sometimes I do studies for more than one image at a time. Or +
First initial sketch. Imperfect, but encompassing. Not doing much with the face since I'm using a different reference, but the point is to get a very rough idea of the torso so I can start evaluating shapes against each other, figuring out proportions.
I use chunky pen-pressure round brushes for this, and a lot of erasing, and clipping and resizing. I'll add layers as I refine and sketch details. Ultimately this sketch will disappear under paint layers.
#artpost #process #republicofinfidels
Staring the lay in and the sketch. I am not good at any of this. It is always a struggle for me, I don't have a lot of confidence in it, but I am *just* up to this kind of portrait. Lots of tricks at work here. One I learned about from Paintable is how to set up a side-by-side reference. 12+ years of using PS and I didn't know that. It's one of those abyssal tool boxes with no bottom.
Starting with the body, for pose and scale.
#republicofinfidels #artpost #process
Getting started on #RepublicOfInfidels portrait #5, Delaware Ford. I'm using some shots of Aaron Pierre as my reference, since he's visually on the mark. I'm putting a sensitive media over it for people who are sensitive to extreme hotness.
On the character of Delaware, he's a half-Creole, half-Crow Sioux character who has a very low-and-slow southern approach, and is also a carrier captain, so I'm gonna have to reference the uniform as well.
#republicofinfidels #artpost #process
yo lovelies!
just me, assuring @StephanieZvan that I AM indeed finishing my homework (the page from yesterday.
And it's looking GOOOOD 😀
(er, Steph? I *think* I got the text where it belongs? I'll have you double check tonight tho)
#Procreate editing session, on #watercolor painting, with a few Photoshop layers too. Doing semitransparent contrasting spatters over watercolor paint is my happy place 💖
#watercolor #procreate #artpost
First round of (digital) airbrushing & color pencils done and I'm liking where this is going. #digitalart #artpost #affinityphoto #wip #bookcoverart #Graveslinger #sequel #wrathofthewormwraith #horrorbooks #thriller #books #shamelessselfpromotion #undead #UrbanFantasy #strongfemalelead
#DigitalArt #artpost #affinityphoto #wip #bookcoverart #graveslinger #sequel #wrathofthewormwraith #HorrorBooks #thriller #Books #shamelessselfpromotion #undead #urbanfantasy #strongfemalelead
Now things are taking shape
#artpost #digitalart #affinityphoto #skull #horror #thriller #graveslinger #sequel #undead #wip
#artpost #DigitalArt #affinityphoto #skull #horror #thriller #graveslinger #sequel #undead #wip
After some setbacks with testing other ways to color digitally, I went back to just emulating what I'd do with real airbrushing: just "spraying" right on top. Didn't get anywhere as far as I'd hoped today, but hope to get more in tomorrow.
#art #digitalart #artpost #wip #affinityphoto
#art #DigitalArt #artpost #wip #affinityphoto