From Danish reporter Rasmus Canbäck
Sep 8
In Goris I am seeing EU observers preparing for a mission, an ICRC car returning from one, an Unicef office in the backround, simultaneously as I speak to Marut Vanyan on the phone.
I watch them all work while Marut says he hasn't found new food for days. #Caucasus #Artsakh #NagornoKarabakh #NagornyKarabakh #ethniccleasing #war ? And the United States does ... what exactly? Express "deep concern"?
#War #EthnicCleasing #nagornykarabakh #nagornokarabakh #artsakh #caucasus
The Tip of the Iceberg: Understanding #Azerbaijan's Blockade of the #LachinCorridor as Part of a Wider Genocidal Campaign against Ethnic #Armenians
#NagornoKarabakh Briefing Paper
#azerbaijan #lachincorridor #armenians #nagornokarabakh #artsakh #artsakhblockade #stopartsakhblockade #genocide
"La crise humanitaire qui frappe les #Arméniens dans l’enclave disputée s’est brusquement aggravée cet été depuis que Bakou en a bloqué totalement l’accès. L’ancien procureur de la Cour pénale internationale Luis Moreno Ocampo dénonce un « #génocide en cours »."
Au #HautKarabakh, l’arme de la faim de l’#Azerbaïdjan
#HautKarabagh #NagornoKarabakh #Artsakh #ArtsakhBlockade #StopArtsakhBlockade
#armeniens #genocide #HautKarabakh #azerbaidjan #hautkarabagh #nagornokarabakh #artsakh #stopartsakhblockade #artsakhblockade
#HautKarabakh : des élus français escortent un convoi humanitaire, refusé par l'#Azerbaïdjan
#HautKarabagh #Artsakh #ArtsakhBlockade #StopArtsakhBlockade #Arméniens
#HautKarabakh #azerbaidjan #hautkarabagh #artsakh #artsakhblockade #stopartsakhblockade #armeniens
France is preparing to submit a resolution to the UN Security Council to help the 120,000 inhabitants of #Artsakh/#NagornoKarabakh on the brink of famine due to the blockade by #Azerbaijan
“ 'We cannot accept a new Armenian #genocide in 2023,' says #LuisMorenoOcampo, the Argentine lawyer who served as the first prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. [..] We also speak with #AnnaOhanyan, professor of political science and international relations at Stonehill College, who says #Azerbaijan is relying on 'the use of hunger as a weapon' ”
#Artsakh #NagornoKarabakh #ArtsakhBlockade #StopArtsakhBlockade #HautKarabagh #Arménie #Armenia #LachinCorridor
#luismorenoocampo #annaohanyan #azerbaijan #artsakh #nagornokarabakh #artsakhblockade #stopartsakhblockade #hautkarabagh #armenie #genocide #lachincorridor #armenia
L'🇦🇿 continue son révisionnisme concernant Dadivank en #Artsakh. Le groupe religieux d'albanie du caucase s'arroge Dadivank en y faisant des "rites religieux". Rites religieux qui s'effectuent souvent sans évangéliaire ou horologion, mais avec des drapeaux turcs et azéris....
Gift link: #HumanRights #selfdetermination #NagornoKarabakh #Artsakh A humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in the #Caucasus
#caucasus #artsakh #nagornokarabakh #selfdetermination #HumanRights
Protesters block 134 Freeway in Glendale, creating massive traffic backup
#Artsakh #Armenia
"In many respects, the starvation of the ethnic #Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh, represents the archetype of genocide through the imposition of conditions of life designed to bring about a group’s destruction."
Fmr International Criminal Court prosecutor, #LuisMorenoOcampo, issued report stating the blockade of #NagornoKarabakh is “#GENOCIDE.”
#Artsakh #ArtsakhBlockade #CorridorDeLatchine #StopArtsakhBlockade #Azerbaïdjan #Arménie #HautKarabagh #StopArmenianGenocide2023
#armenians #luismorenoocampo #nagornokarabakh #genocide #artsakh #artsakhblockade #corridordelatchine #stopartsakhblockade #azerbaidjan #armenie #hautkarabagh #stoparmeniangenocide2023 #Armenians in #Artsakh #NagornoKarabakh #Azerbaijani #misinformation
"Armenians have been in Artsakh for centuries" (from 19th century primary sources). Says Azerbaijani academics changed later editions of same books he took back to the United States to eliminate mention of Armenians in Artsakh
#misinformation #Azerbaijani #nagornokarabakh #artsakh #armenians
Armenia Ombudsman for Human Rights: Almost 8 months-long blockade of #NagornoKarabakh. No humanitarian assistance has entered the region since June 15th. 20K elderly, 30K children, pregnant women are especially vulnerable with the cases of miscarriages in #NagornoKarabakh having tripled. Caused by #Azerbaijan #HumanRights #ethniccleansing #Artsakh
#artsakh #ethniccleansing #HumanRights #Azerbaijan #nagornokarabakh
#Artsakh #Hadrut
Azerbaijani state media has in recent days made increasingly frequent mentions of a possible new military operation in Nagorno-Karabakh, as reports of severe food shortages in Nagorno-Karabakh mount. #Artsakh #NagornoKarabakh
from Marut Vanyan, resident of #Artsakh #NagornoKarabakh : Artsakh/Karabakh resembles a large concentration camp, where various laboratory experiments seem to be carried out to make our behavior predictable in various situations and finally swallow us as a result of appropriate analysis, -- Priest Nerses Garegin Asryan #Nagorno-Karabakh #Artsakh #Armenia
Si aggrava la situazione nel #NagornoKarabakh (#Artsakh) a causa del completo blocco azero del corridoio di Lachin. Popolazione armena isolata, rischio catastrofe umanitaria. Europa poco interessata...
Provocatorie azioni di #Aliyev mentre si cerca una via di pace. Quale pace? #Azerbaijan
#Azerbaijan #aliyev #artsakh #nagornokarabakh