RT @aep_arts
A 2015 study found that poetry classes created opportunities for both foreign-born students and U.S.-born faculty and students alike to revise assumptions related to cultural literacy and U.S. academic norms. http://ow.ly/3WYn50Nz5C9 | #ArtsEdSearch
RT @aep_arts
In 2004 AEP published The Arts and Education: New Opportunities for Research. This report aimed to spark new conversations about research in #ArtsEd. This conversation continues today as we expand the studies available on #ArtsEdSearch. http://ow.ly/mK3z50N5jAB | #AEPArchives
#artsed #artsedsearch #aeparchives
RT @aep_arts@twitter.com
Do you have a passion for arts education research? We are seeking a new ArtsEdSearch Consultant to help AEP evolve #ArtsEdSearch into a more diverse and expansive resource that reflects the current needs of the full arts ed ecosystem. http://ow.ly/3A4N50MmKPN