What happened to my local arts council? Why isn't it news? What is the deal with local arts grants? Why did I have no idea this is how it works? #QCA #ArtsFunding #NYC
“Many artists, particularly young people, are looking for grants that are easier to apply for,” according to Western Independent’s writeup of WA’s updated 10 Year Vision for culture and the arts. Read more at https://westernindependent.com.au/2023/08/17/art-starter/. Or add your thoughts to the consultation by next Tuesday 22/08 (link in bio or https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/10yearvisionculturearts).
#ArtsLeadership #ArtsFunding #ArtIsEverywhere #ArtIsEssential #WesternAustralia
#ArtsLeadership #artsfunding #artiseverywhere #artisessential #WesternAustralia
My (massive) August enews includes loveliness from my #PublicOpenSpace book launches, one last poetry workshop plan, a rant about Zoom fatigue, and a whole lot more. Read/subscribe at link in bio (or https://katelarsenkeys.substack.com/p/the-sealey-challenge-zoom-fatigue).
#Writing #WritingLife #ArtsFunding #ArtsLeadership #AustralianPoetry #KateLarsen #PublicOpenSpace #Poetry #TheSealeyChallenge #RemoteWork #OurHybridFuture
#PublicOpenSpace #writing #writinglife #artsfunding #ArtsLeadership #australianpoetry #katelarsen #poetry #thesealeychallenge #remotework #OurHybridFuture
“Funders are seeking more information than they can credibly audit from organisations who are desperate for funding.” YES THEY ARE.
Proud to find my recent rant about Australian #ArtsFunding for Overland cited in Aden Date’s latest cleverness on bad faith arts sector practices (https://adendate.substack.com/p/bad-faith-evaluation).
#TearsForPeers #ArtsLeadership #RethinkingArtsLeadership #AustraliaCouncil #PeerAssessment
#artsfunding #tearsforpeers #ArtsLeadership #RethinkingArtsLeadership #australiacouncil #peerassessment
Do you care about arts and culture in Western Australia? The first stage of consultation for its updated 10-year vision is now open at https://lnkd.in/gMxxvymU. Have your say.
#ArtsLeadership #ArtsFunding #ArtIsEverywhere #ArtIsEssential #WesternAustralia
#ArtsLeadership #artsfunding #artiseverywhere #artisessential #WesternAustralia
August 2023 Opportunities: Open Calls, Residencies, and Grants for Artists — Colossal https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2023/08/august-2023-opportunities/
August 2023 Opportunities for Artists: Open Calls, Residencies, and Grants. Check out this list of opportunities for artists of all disciplines, including funding, residencies, and open calls. Deadline dates and more info included! #ArtistOpportunities #ArtsFunding
#artistopportunities #artsfunding
Apparently the annual cultural budget of Berlin (€947M) is more than double that of Arts Council England...
source: The Vaizey View newsletter
‘Post’-pandemic, our sector is both exhausted and animated by a new sense of perspective that leaves many unwilling to put up with these former practices or the way things ‘have always been done’. This includes a new interrogation of the unseen labour of arts funding processes: the expectations on applicants and the pressure on advisors and peers. https://overland.org.au/2023/05/tears-for-peers-the-hidden-costs-of-arts-funding/
I found 'Tár' to be a most brilliant film, that I hated. I hated everything about the character, & everything that it had to say about art from the perspective of an artist of "high art".
Like- um, everything, elitism has destroyed art. The distinction btw high & low art is a classist, racist, misogynist, sexist, colonial (by way of appropriation & recuperation) projection onto a universally human activity, both in its creation & its appreciation, to disenfranchise the most of us from the least (in all regards) of us. If we've learned nothing of elites, it's that they have very little (if any) real appreciation of art. This is directly linked to the downturn in schools of art & the fostering of new artists, but broadly, the humanities, which should be the fertile ground for critical analysis, & appreciation of art. The humanities is the place in which we should be arguing about why this or that is important in the context of our lived experiences as individuals, cultures & societies.
Lydia Tár is the avatar of this ongoing process & everything wrong with it.
#Tár #LydiaTár #FilmCriticsm #Art #TheArts #ArtsFunding #LydiaTárIsDead
#tar #lydiatar #filmcriticsm #art #thearts #artsfunding #lydiatarisdead
Yes, I'm increasingly finding that better self-care is a foundation stone for getting treated well by others.
- understanding and enforcing boundaries
- valuing your own time and energy
- learning how to spot and avoid abusive situations
- knowing your rights
.. help everyone negotiate from a position of strength, especially freelancers.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. 👏🏽
#payingartists #artsfunding #selfcare
I've followed the a-n campaign for #PayingArtists and written about funding issues on my blog.
In the last 10 years pay has stagnated, partly due to cuts to arts grants and related funding.
IMO, the basic issue is that artists are freelancers/small businesses. They need stronger negotiation tools and legal support.
I could write more for you but you'll need to commission me first!
#payingartists #arts #contemporaryart #artsfunding
The recording from this week’s AICSA and Festival City Adelaide webinar on what the new #NationalCulturalPolicy will mean for South Australia is now online at https://youtu.be/KAkn-_zyBIM. Great to be part of this conversation with I’m on this panel for Mondaythe conversation.
#nationalculturalpolicy #revive #artsfunding #ArtsLeadership #auspol
Last tickets left for next week’s Application Writing workshop with Guildhouse in Tarntanya/Adelaide. Sharpen your #grantwriting skills in this interactive workshop specifically designed for creative practitioners. Link in bio. #artsfunding
Let's hope Ireland has more sense; arts funding is the funding of soft power - the "tax-free artists" scheme brought influential international artists to Ireland, and its ending and the ending of film funding sent a wave of creative people fleeing out of the country; we got sense later and the arts are now thriving in Ireland
#ArtsFunding #Writers #Artists #Musicians #Actors #Filmmakers
@bookstodon https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2023/feb/05/terrifying-funding-killing-creativity-warns-multi-oscar-winner
#artsfunding #writers #artists #musicians #actors #filmmakers
Interesting perspective here on the corporatisation of State arts funding. The eye-watering proceeds from Rone’s ‘Time’ exhibition that received $1.8m of pandemic funding does feel a bit off given that just 600m down the road an entire community of artists in the Nicholson Building are either hanging on by their fingernails or have been forced to shut up shop due to skyrocketing rents.
#art #ArtsFunding #StreetArt #RoneArt #Rone
#art #artsfunding #streetart #roneart #rone
Interesting perspective here on the corporatisation of State arts funding. The eye-watering proceeds from Rone’s ‘Time’ exhibition that received $1.8m of pandemic funding does feel a bit off given that just 600m down the road an entire community of artists in the Nicholson Building are either hanging on by their fingernails or have been forced to shut up shop due to skyrocketing rents.
#art #artsfunding #streetart #roneart #rone
"The next five years will be important to rebuild what was lost. What comes next requires fortitude and imagination to create a truly vibrant literary culture." Love this from Jessica Alice in Meanjin https://meanjin.com.au/blog/writers-voices-never-fail-to-cut-through/
#NationalCulturalPolicy #Revive #ArtsLeadership #ArtsFunding #AusPol
#nationalculturalpolicy #revive #ArtsLeadership #artsfunding #auspol
Already underserved, Dublin's northern suburbs are set to lose out again on culture and recreation infrastructure in the coming years. The council should target funding at deprived areas to redress imbalances – but it’s not, some councillors say.
Yesterday’s #NationalCulturalPolicy launch, dubbed Revive by the Federal Government, promised ‘a new era for Australia’s arts, entertainment and cultural sector’ and delivered much-needed optimism at a time when the stakes for artists, arts organisations and audiences have never been so high. I shared my thoughts on the new policy with ArtsHub (https://www.artshub.com.au/news/opinions-analysis/national-cultural-policy-revives-unfamiliar-hope-2608706/).
#nationalculturalpolicy #ArtsLeadership #artsfunding #auspol
@oldlillipilli No surprise,we have the same issue in the US. While it's great that art programs contribute to the economy, etc., too much emphasis suggests that financial impact is the reason for #ArtsFunding, rather than being another benefit of the arts.