#Arturia の #MicroFreak 用のグースネックマイクをポチった。(^_^;)
My friend Jon came over last night and we talked and messed with my guitar pedal chain and went out to dinner and then messed with his #Arturia #MiniFreak (we are both #MicroFreak owners as well) and yeah, that could turn out to be an expensive visit in the long run.
Older son was absolutely enthralled with it. So at the least I will set up my MicroFreak for him to mess with. As I've been focusing more on bass things, I've not had it out lately.
#arturia #minifreak #microfreak #music
#シンセカイリモオト 127 MicroFreak5.0来た!また無料なの?
この動画を見て #MicroFreak を勉強するか…(^_^;)💦
#シンセカイリモオト #microfreak #arturia #dtm
Vangelis CS80V 3.3 サウンド
こ、こんな動画あったとは…(; ゚Д゚)💦
Bisschen Snyth-Unfug von vor ein paar Tagen. MiniBrute2S und DrumBrute Impact druch mein Effect-Board. #arturia #minibrute2s #drumbruteimpact #synth
#arturia #minibrute2s #drumbruteimpact #synth
Exprime- toi ! Ton #séquenceur matériel (#midi #sequencer #hardware #korg #arturia), ce serait :
#sequenceur #midi #sequencer #hardware #korg #arturia
Eigentlich bin ich kein Freund von kleinen Controller-Keyboards mit Slimkeys, aber das Keystep37 von Arturia ist schon klasse.
Musique originale de remplacement pour le générique des Enquêtes de Murdoch, série créée par Maureen Jennings.
Musique réalisée sur #Linux avec :
- Ardour (DAW)
- BBC Symphonic Orchestra Core (Spitfire)
- Kontakt de Native Instruments
- La série "Augmented" d' arturia #arturia #nativeinstruments #kontakt
#kontakt #nativeinstruments #arturia #linux
Arturia Keystep 32 is a popular midi controller. This portable USB keyboard comes with pleanty of options to unlease your creativity.
The Behringer Swing is a 32 keys midi controller that is a replica of Arturia's Keystep 32. Behringer's Swing is an undesirable keyboard because it is a copy of Arturia's Keystep design.
#midi #usb #arturia #KeyStep #behringer #swing
Arturia Keystep products
Control your desktop synths, your modular rig, your software - the Step range lets you control it all.
Controllers designed to keep all your gear in perfect sync, with instant sequencing, playful arpeggios, playable chord modes, and flexible connectivity to suit any setup, style, or project.
#arturia #KeyStep #synth #midi #midicontroller
昨日の効果音、ピッチ修正後に本日審査通って https://audiostock.jp/audio/1452334 より発売となりました♪
#音素材 #効果音 #SE #ME #オーディオストック #着信音 #かわいい #ベル
#OLYMPUS #LS20M #磁器 #MOTU #DP11 #OVERLOUD #COMP_LA #WAVES #L2 #SSL #FlexVerb #Arturia #RevPlate140 #KORG #TORITON_Extreme
#音素材 #効果音 #se #me #オーディオストック #着信音 #かわいい #ベル #olympus #ls20m #磁器 #motu #dp11 #overloud #comp_la #waves #l2 #ssl #flexverb #arturia #revplate140 #korg #toriton_extreme
Gig in Goodly, TX
#synth #synthesizer #keyboard #piano #music #iseenord #nordkeyboards #arturia
#synth #synthesizer #keyboard #piano #music #iseenord #nordkeyboards #arturia
てな訳でたまたま台所に有った百均のサラダボールが良い音するのに気づいたので、それを叩いた音を録音してシンセ音混ぜて効果音を作ってみますた (誰得何得w)
#OLYMPUS #LS20M #MOTU #DP11 #OVERLOUD #COMP_LA #WAVES #L2 #SSL #FlexVerb #Arturia #RevPlate140 #KORG #TORITON_Extreme
...何やってんだか自分 (爆)
#olympus #ls20m #motu #dp11 #overloud #comp_la #waves #l2 #ssl #flexverb #arturia #revplate140 #korg #toriton_extreme
Went looking for a Leslie effect plugin, after I discovered last night I didn't seem to have one. Discovered #Arturia have just released one in FX Collection 4. I have FX Collection 3 and the upgrade is at a super super special price of US$49. That's an amazing bargain!
Happily paying that. Arturia make great stuff and are very nice to their customers!
Record and Play - #Arturia Stage-73 V2 - The Butterfly Effect https://youtu.be/LGS6rbcYEL4 #Rhodes
This new 5.0 MicroFreak firmware is great so far. Tested it out today by loading a simple Mellotron flute sample then ran it through the new granular Hit Grains oscillator and added some random modulation to make it come alive.
#microfreak #arturia #synth #synthesizer #newfirmware
Plughugger Expand Mini V PRESETS PACK FOR ARTURiA MiNi V [FREE]
Expand Mini V is a collection of 50 sounds for the Arturia Mini V synthesizer.
The sounds in this collection are unique and cannot be found anywhere else. The presets in this collection are unique and cannot be found anywhere else.
#Arturia #Collection #free #MiniV #Plughugger #Presets #Synthesizer #Text
#arturia #collection #free #miniv #plughugger #presets #synthesizer #text