@dieiaa #Artwashing-#concerts @ #Greenwashing-mega-Event #IAA #IAAmobility...
#Bruckner, #KYTES, #Leony, #Glockenbach, #Elif, #LeventGeiger, #MossKena
An industry building and showing big #SUV for single male use in hottest year ever 2023 because it makes money prooves that #capitalism and #car #industry still want to #destroy planet #earth as a place where humanity can live.
You should not support such an industry event as an #artist, #designer or whatsoever #creative.
#FuckOff #automotive rich scum!
#artwashing #concerts #greenwashing #iaa #IAAMobility #bruckner #kytes #Leony #glockenbach #elif #leventgeiger #mosskena #suv #capitalism #car #industry #destroy #earth #artist #designer #creative #fuckoff #automotive
Big #greenwashing #artwashing attempt incoming...
To make it clear to the #international audience:
The head of the #german lobbygroup "Verband der #Automobilindustrie" #VDA is laughing about you... First he and his industry blocked every #climate friendly legislation attempts at #EU and at #world scale and his industry betrayed millions of customers with #dirty #cars marketed as #clean... #diesel-#scandal. They after this only build expansive, big electro-#SUV for rich people, to destroy the world even faster.
Now the head of the #car #lobby group is amused about the #greenwashing-#deal that #vegan #NataliePortman is announced to talk at the #IAA "internationale #automobil ausstellung", the notorious pro-car, pro-#SUV, #climate destroying, savety denying and public transport blocking motorshow in #munich.
Again the show and it's lobbygroups are trying to give their world-destroying, resource-hungry industry a new, #green look...
"Quote from Jürgen #Mindel, Managing Director at #VDA: “Natalie Portman’s attendance shows that there is a broad interest within society in topics related to #climate-friendly, #digital #mobility. She’s a person who has often proved that a lot can be achieved in society with composure and tenacity. I’m looking forward to seeing her on the Main Stage.”
If you want to laugh about the shitty #marketing attempt, read the other produced statements on this #bullshit-site: https://www.iaa-mobility.com/en/press/press-releases/natalie-portman-iaa-mobility-2023
So we are looking forward that #responsible #stars and other "opinion #leaders" speak out on the #streets at #protests, against #earth destroying western #economy
Stop #greenwashing! #NoIAA!
#greenwashing #artwashing #international #german #automobilindustrie #vda #climate #EU #world #dirty #cars #clean #diesel #scandal #suv #car #lobby #Deal #vegan #NataliePortman #iaa #automobil #munich #green #mindel #digital #mobility #marketing #bullshit #responsible #stars #leaders #streets #protests #earth #economy #NoIAA
Wir sitzen seit 1987 in der Oranienstraße und der Gentrifizierungsdruck war weite Teile davon deutlich spürbar. Unter aktuellen Bedingungen hätte ein Projekt wie das unsere an diesem Ort keine Chance. Anlässlich der Langen Buchnacht in der O-Straße hat sich der Konflikt wieder zugespitzt.
#Oranienstraße #Gentrifizierung #Artwashing
#oranienstraße #gentrifizierung #artwashing
Ach, #Palantir macht eine Ausstellung in Leipzig? Das war mir bisher entgangen. Politisch hoch problematisch! #Artwashing #Leipzig
#palantir #artwashing #Leipzig
RT @alexabruck
Not only #artwashing, but also #ethicswashing:
In addition to the @PalantirTech-sponsored art exhibition in #leipzig, a symposium is held to discuss the risks of #AI. They express concern about the loss of "ethics and security" in the context of the "AI arms race" 👀
#artwashing #ethicswashing #leipzig #ai
Franco Marcoaldi, «chi non sa apprezzare un albero / non può apprezzare un quadro».
#greenwashing #artwashing #brainwashing
“Under which conditions should an art museum ethically and responsibly do business with, and loan its artworks to, a repressive authoritarian government?” — Sarah Leah Whitson
#Art #ArtWashing #Museums #SaudiArabia
#art #artwashing #museums #saudiarabia
Regen sich eigentlich noch mehr von euch über dieses eklige #Artwashing auf? #Kunst für alle! Aber bitte nur in Kooperation mit Konzernen der #Rüstungsindustrie - inklusive Atom-U-Boote. Wieso geht sowas unter einem linken Kultursenat?
#artwashing #kunst #rustungsindustrie
#Tokenism und #Artwashing sind fester Bestandteil der dt. Theaterwelt. Konzernstiftungen sollten nicht zur Finanzierung kapitalismuskritischer Produktionen herangezogen werden. Heuchelei von Linkslib. fügt den freien Künsten enormen Schaden zu. #AllianzKulturStiftung #Aventis
#tokenism #artwashing #allianzkulturstiftung #aventis
#Artwashing am Limit: Das Brecht-Theater #BerlinerEnsemble hat gestern mal wieder das "Obdachlosen-Stück" - "Auf der der Strasse" gezeigt - finanziert von der #DeutscheBankStiftung. Die Deutsche Bank ist WELTWEIT bekannt für brutale Entmietungsstrategien.
Exzellent? Nein!
#artwashing #berlinerensemble #deutschebankstiftung
⚠️ #Artwashing
VWs SUV versus Kunst und Kultur:
#Volkswagen wäscht sich rein, indem die Firma des KdF-Wagens donnerstagnachmittags freien Eintritt in der Neuen Nationalgalerie finanziert.
"Het bedrijf heeft Assen met veel banen en sponsorgeld voor sportclubs altijd veel betekend voor zijn omgeving"
De NAM heeft ook voor aardbevingen gezorgd, een opwarmende aarde, en de gevolgen daarvan. Houdt u daar ook rekening mee Harry Tupan van @DrentsMuseum@twitter.com? #artwashing
“We found that using art as a form of enrichment has the capacity to boost productivity by up to 17 percent,” Knight said. All that aside, while it may be nice to have a beautiful impasto painting in the break room (if you’re lucky enough to have one), we should probably be critical of companies “art-washing” the workplace to feign investment in employee well-being.
Save the Date: 22.10.22 - Kritische Orientierungswochen der FU-Berlin, organisiert von La:iz und @astafu@twitter.com. Warum Theaterbesetzungen eine legitime & notwendige Protestform sind und Kulturinstitutionen selbstorganisiert sein sollten. #Commoning #B6112 #Artwashing #Femwashing
#commoning #b6112 #artwashing #femwashing
RT @nijjormanush@twitter.com
A Bangla signpost was placed on Whitechapel station by same council that divested funds away from ESOL learning classes & slashed funding to community language schools – so many of the millennial population are unable to read the sign anyway #artwashing https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/councils-art-washing-tower-hamlets-gentrification-b2047221.html
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/nijjormanush/status/1510198075331158016
RT @FFcultureNL@twitter.com
This shows we CAN do it! It might seem hopeless sometimes, but together, the power of people and the power of art are unstoppable. Together, we WILL beat the fossil fuel industry and stop #Artwashing #FossilFreeCulture #FossilFreeMuseumplein
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FFcultureNL/status/1306265188082032640
#fossilfreemuseumplein #fossilfreeculture #artwashing