Something new just added to my Etsy shop: Just about every shade of green in my inventory, plus the Murano carrot red I love so much. Appropriate, as Spring has finally arrived in full here in Oregon. #MastoArt #MastoGlass #glassart #glassartist #madeinoregon #artyoucanwear #necklace #jewelry #lampwork #beads #handmade
#handmade #beads #lampwork #jewelry #necklace #artyoucanwear #madeinoregon #glassartist #glassart #mastoglass #MastoArt
Something new in my shop. Lots of color. #hotglass #handmadeglass #glassart #glassartist #beads #glassbeads #lampworkbeads #lampworking #glassbeadnecklace #glassbeadjewelry #artyoucanwear #artforsalebyartist #oregon #pacificnorthwest #etsy
#etsy #pacificnorthwest #oregon #artforsalebyartist #artyoucanwear #glassbeadjewelry #glassbeadnecklace #lampworking #lampworkbeads #glassbeads #beads #glassartist #glassart #handmadeglass #hotglass
I rarely put earrings in my Etsy shop, on account of their affordability. But I make great numbers of them for street fairs, festivals, etc. These 2 are new. The hearts I made on a small β€οΈ shaped steel mandrel, while for the bronze discs - which I avoided making exactly the same - I made tiny beads of yellow and orange Murano glass. #earrings #handmade #handmadeearrings #handmadejewelry #hotglass #lampworking #lampworkbeads #madeinoregon #salemoregon #christofmaupin #artyoucanwear #MastoArt
#MastoArt #artyoucanwear #christofmaupin #salemoregon #madeinoregon #lampworkbeads #lampworking #hotglass #handmadejewelry #handmadeearrings #handmade #earrings
This 20 inch necklace is based on cooler colors. I've made each bead with a core of opaque pastel white, rolled that in powdered enamel, encased the vitrified enamel in clear glass, rolled that in frit, allowed that to melt, then wound clear glass over the bead to finish it. #glassbeads #hotglass #glassart #glassartist #glassbeadsjewelry #glassbeadnecklace #muranoglass #oregon #salemoregon #oregonart #pacificnorthwest #christofmaupin #pastpresentartscrafts #artyoucanwear
#artyoucanwear #pastpresentartscrafts #christofmaupin #pacificnorthwest #oregonart #salemoregon #oregon #muranoglass #glassbeadnecklace #glassbeadsjewelry #glassartist #glassart #hotglass #glassbeads
A bit of fun here. A BIG focal bead encased in clear, with short tubular or barrel beads to the sides. #MastoArt #MastoGlass #glass #glassart #glassartist #HotGlass #LampworkGlass #Necklace #Jewelry #ArtYouCanWear #Oregon #PNW
#pnw #oregon #artyoucanwear #jewelry #necklace #lampworkglass #hotglass #glassartist #glassart #glass #mastoglass #MastoArt
Spring is 2 weeks away, but it doesn't feel like it yet here in the #pacificnorthwest -- so I sorted through my #morettiglass colors: Carrot Red, Sky Blue, Light Blue, Grasshopper Green & Pea Green. This feels very Spring-like. In my Etsy shop. #MastoArt #glass #beads #glassbeads #glassbeadsjewelry #lampwork #lampworkglass #glassart #glassartist #muranoglass #handmade #artyoucanwear #oregonart #oregonartist #pacificnorthwest #salemoregon #salemoregonartist #springcolors
#springcolors #salemoregonartist #salemoregon #oregonartist #oregonart #artyoucanwear #handmade #muranoglass #glassartist #glassart #lampworkglass #lampwork #glassbeadsjewelry #glassbeads #beads #glass #MastoArt #morettiglass #pacificnorthwest
Very exciting news. Looking forward to seeing some of my Oregon peeps at this event. I'll be heavily stocked up with all sorts of new creations in lampwork glass and kiln formed glass. #englewoodforestfestival #salemoregon #salemoregonartist #salemoregonart #artforsalebyartist #glass #lampwork #lampworkglass #torchwork #flamework #kilnformedglass #hotglass #artyoucanwear
#artyoucanwear #hotglass #kilnformedglass #flamework #torchwork #lampworkglass #lampwork #glass #artforsalebyartist #salemoregonart #salemoregonartist #salemoregon #englewoodforestfestival
A bit of fun with fused glass, using slices of yellow and pale blue bullseye cane fused to a darker semi-opaque blue background. In my Etsy shop now! #MastoArt #fusedglass #fusedglassart #fusedglassjewelry #fusedglasspendant #kilnformedglass #artyoucanwear #glassartist #glassjewelry #glassartistsofinstagram #christofmaupin #jewelrydesign #glassdesign
#glassdesign #jewelrydesign #christofmaupin #glassartistsofinstagram #glassjewelry #glassartist #artyoucanwear #kilnformedglass #fusedglasspendant #fusedglassjewelry #fusedglassart #fusedglass #MastoArt
Some sparkly, shiny bits for this otherwise soggy and dreary Tuesday here in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. #MastoArt #dichroic #dichroicglass #glasspendant #glassjewelry #artyoucanwear #glassart #glassartist #kilnglass #fusedglass #wilamettevalley #oregon #salemoregon #oregonart #oregonartist
#oregonartist #oregonart #salemoregon #oregon #wilamettevalley #fusedglass #kilnglass #glassartist #glassart #artyoucanwear #glassjewelry #glasspendant #dichroicglass #dichroic #MastoArt
Silvery, iridescent pinks, blues and greens from dichroic glass laid over opaque red, resulting in a really striking design: #MastoArt #fusedglass #HotGlass #dichroicglass #glass #art #handmade #jewelry #jewelrydesign #artyoucanwear #christofmaupin #oregon #pacificnorthwest #artglass #glassart
#glassart #artglass #pacificnorthwest #oregon #christofmaupin #artyoucanwear #jewelrydesign #jewelry #handmade #art #glass #dichroicglass #hotglass #fusedglass #MastoArt
Minimalism is not really my style, especially when it comes to glass, so this new piece is something quite different for me. In my shop now... #neckwire #necklace #glass #beads #glassart #glassartist #HotGlass #Millefiori #enamelonglass #handmade #minimalist #artyoucanwear #jewelry #oregon #pacificnorthwest #christofmaupin #pastpresentarts #MastoArt
#MastoArt #pastpresentarts #christofmaupin #pacificnorthwest #oregon #jewelry #artyoucanwear #minimalist #handmade #enamelonglass #millefiori #hotglass #glassartist #glassart #beads #glass #necklace #neckwire
One more new piece before the new year. Pleasing transparent reds and earth tones. About 17 inches. In my Etsy shop soon. Have a great New Years πππand I'll catch you on the flip side! Link: #glass #hotglass #lampworking #lampworkbeads #lampworkglass #beads #handmadeglass #handmadebeads #necklace #jewelrydesign #oregon #oregonartist #pacificnorthwest #earthtones #christofmaupin #salemoregon #oregonglassartist #artyoucanwear #studioglass #artglass #solong2022
#solong2022 #artglass #studioglass #artyoucanwear #oregonglassartist #salemoregon #christofmaupin #earthtones #pacificnorthwest #oregonartist #oregon #jewelrydesign #necklace #handmadebeads #handmadeglass #beads #lampworkglass #lampworkbeads #lampworking #hotglass #glass
Tubular bead of transparent blue glass with flecks of copper frit capped in marbled opaque blue. To either side, deep transparent purple with opaque trails, and donut shaped beads in more of the marbled blue at either end. All Murano glass. Enjoying this marbled blue; thinking about using more of it with another marbled color. Link: #HotGlass #lampwork #beads #glassbeads #StudioGlass #GlassArt #GlassArtist #ArtYouCanWear #oregon #SalemOregon #PacificNorthwest #MastoArt
#MastoArt #pacificnorthwest #salemoregon #oregon #artyoucanwear #glassartist #glassart #studioglass #glassbeads #beads #lampwork #hotglass
With the shortest day of the year behind us now, I'm looking way ahead to Spring. Hence, this new piece with many shades of green. Here's the link:
#HotGlass #lampwork #lampworkbeads #handmadejewelry #handmadeglass #glassbeadnecklace #muranoglass #artglass #studioglass #artyoucanwear #ChristofMaupin #salemoregon
#salemoregon #christofmaupin #artyoucanwear #studioglass #artglass #muranoglass #glassbeadnecklace #handmadeglass #handmadejewelry #lampworkbeads #lampwork #hotglass
This lampwork glass amphora pendant is SOLD and has been hand-delivered to a customer here in Salem, Oregon. A special piece spotted in my Etsy shop by a customer with discerning taste. Nice way to round out my holiday sales. #glass #lampwork #artglass #studioglass #amphora #glassamphora #arthistory #historyofglass #artyoucanwear #handmadeglass #glasspendant #etsy #holidaysales #oregon #salemoregon #oregonglass #oregonartist #pacificnorthwest #christofmaupin #pastpresentarts #NoAI #MastoArt
#MastoArt #noAI #pastpresentarts #christofmaupin #pacificnorthwest #oregonartist #oregonglass #salemoregon #oregon #holidaysales #etsy #glasspendant #handmadeglass #artyoucanwear #historyofglass #arthistory #glassamphora #amphora #studioglass #artglass #lampwork #glass
I really love the transparent maraschino cherry red Murano glass I used in this piece. It needs no embellishment. I added some of it, and another red, along with strands of opaque white, to a transparent yellow for the beads alongside. It looks intense in direct sunlight. Here's the link: #red #necklace #glass #beads #handmade #jewelry #artyoucanwear #etsy #oregon #pacificnorthwest #buyartfromartists #artforsale #murano #muranoglass #HotGlass #MastoArt
#MastoArt #hotglass #muranoglass #murano #artforsale #buyartfromartists #pacificnorthwest #oregon #etsy #artyoucanwear #jewelry #handmade #beads #glass #necklace #red
Just added this to my Etsy shop. Transparent Rose, semi-opaque blue, and just plain clear, with added opaque white stringers and variously colored frit. Here's the link: #glass #beads #jewelry #necklace #handmade #HotGlass #glassart #glassartist #artyoucanwear #madeinoregon #pacificnorthwest π₯
#pacificnorthwest #madeinoregon #artyoucanwear #glassartist #glassart #hotglass #handmade #necklace #jewelry #beads #glass
One last batch of bracelets, and on to finish another dozen or so earrings. And I'll be ready to see all of you at the Handmade Market here in Salem, Oregon on Saturday, December 3, from 10 AM to 5 PM, with my handmade hot glass creations. #handmade #salemoregon #holidayshopping #holidaysale #holidaygifts #buylocal #buylocalart #horglass #lampworkbeads #lampworkglass #glassart #glassartist #handmadejewelry #artyoucanwear #bracelets #glass #beads #oregonartist #oregonart #handmadegifts #MastoArt
#MastoArt #handmadegifts #oregonart #oregonartist #beads #glass #bracelets #artyoucanwear #handmadejewelry #glassartist #glassart #lampworkglass #lampworkbeads #horglass #buylocalart #buylocal #holidaygifts #holidaysale #holidayshopping #salemoregon #handmade