Redhotcyber · @redhotcyber
598 followers · 1864 posts · Server
Brad Johnson · @bradintn
91 followers · 253 posts · Server

Updated security announcement around the zero-day affecting and software. Threat Defense is not affected by clientless SSL vulnerability as it is not a supported configuration. still mitigates the risk if valid credentials are found.

#MFA #Firepower #FTD #asa #cisco #vpn

Last updated 1 year ago

Angela Li · @angela
577 followers · 51 posts · Server

Inspired by @writingmonicker, I wanted to reflect on my first !

💐 The conference was overwhelmingly positive for me, so I wanted to express gratitude to all the organizers, mentors, friends, and kind souls that made it so.

💡But, as someone focused on social change, I pondered a few things that would make a more equitable experience for all.

📝 Finally, I wanted to process in public ideas for students (aka: me in the future) to make the most out of it!

#sociology #asa #ASA2023

Last updated 1 year ago

Monica Heilman 지혜 · @writingmonicker
222 followers · 438 posts · Server

A few thoughts I guess. Why not.

1) You all weren't kidding when you said was huge. The number of sessions is ridiculous and there are so many I wish I could have attended. But a good problem to have.

2) I really felt the impact of . 2020 would have been my first ASA and I couldn't help but imagine how different my networks would be today if I'd started regularly attending ASA then, particularly in my specific area.

#sociology #asa23 #asa2023 #COVID #asa

Last updated 1 year ago

Elizabeth Wrigley-Field · @wrigleyfield
2130 followers · 1242 posts · Server

What's the consensus about which hotel around the Philly convention center has the most luxurious breakfast buffet?

Newly-arrived sociologists want to know and then revel in their (my) gluttony

#asasociology #ASA2023 #asa

Last updated 1 year ago

Elizabeth Wrigley-Field · @wrigleyfield
2130 followers · 1242 posts · Server

A major, annoying snafu with my hotel reservation, which I've been trying to fix for more than a week, has been fixed by creating a new reservation outside of the ASA hotel block and paying $50

The excellent hotel reservation worker I worked with was very polite and tactful in explaining that the ASA housing service is rather difficult to work with and not fully up on the logistics at all times

I'm not *terribly* surprised

#asa #asasociology #ASA2023

Last updated 1 year ago

Reminder: Our annual Computational Sociology Happy Hour will be part of the Math Soc reception (joint with Methods & several other sections) this year at Tir Na Nog (1600 Arch St) on Saturday (8/19) from 6:30-9:30p.

We will gather in our own room; join us!


#computationalsociology #computationalsocialscience #sociodon #sociology #ASA2023 #asa23 #asa

Last updated 1 year ago

Azk.R · @aa1823
30 followers · 170 posts · Server

Just got back from ASA’s JSM 2023 convention in Toronto. I had a great time, learned a lot of stuff and made new connections 😁 . It was so cool to see so many mid career stats professionals talk about their work.

#asa #americanstatisticalassociation #jsm2023 #jsm #jointstatisticalmeetings #statistics #biostatistics

Last updated 1 year ago

Jonathan Horowitz · @jonathanhorowi1
774 followers · 1449 posts · Server

So, apparently ASA Connect was such a disaster that the sections are now transitioning back to listservs! I don't really understand why switched to this format without any sort of input or testing or anything. But then again, I don't know why ASA does anything that it does. It's like a baby, or an alien, or a baby alien. It defies human logic.


Last updated 1 year ago

Andy Ferguson · @teknostatik
1 followers · 12 posts · Server

Right now I am listening to All Structures Align. I'm glad their two records from last year ( have been reissued to a wider audience, and I suspect the new reissued double album will be high on my list come December.

#Music #wrongspeed #asa

Last updated 1 year ago

Dr. John T. Whelan · @jtwsma
41 followers · 28 posts · Server

@statstas Yes, they just sent the link by email, and I've installed it, but it doesn't seem too usable. Very slow to respond to things like typing in search terms, only search one day at a time, etc. 😞 Also inconvenient (but less important) that I had to create a new account instead of using my ASA credentials.

#asa #jsm #jsm2023

Last updated 1 year ago

Léo Varnet · @leovarnet
640 followers · 457 posts · Server

An excerpt from Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus about and ambiguity:
« Relationship [in music] is everything. And if you want to give it a more precise name, it is "ambiguity." To illustrate the meaning of the word, he played for me chord-progressions belonging to no definite key; demonstrated for me how such a progression fluctuates between C major and G major, if one leaves out the F [...] how it keeps the ear uncertain [...] "You know what I find?" he asked. "That music turns the equivocal into a system. Take this or that note. You can understand it so or respectively so. You can think of it as sharpened or flattened, and you can, if you are clever, take advantage of the double sense as much as you like." »
This somewhat echoes the conclusion of a scientific paper by Pressnitzer, Suied and Shamma on Scene Analysis :
« Music is an especially challenging stimulus to make sense, as most of it is abstract without any clear reference to an external object. By embedding several latent perceptual organizations into complex acoustical scenes, music may well be able to challenge the listener with a rich set of possibilities that can be freely entertained, with no other potential consequence than being surprised, rejoiced, or moved. »

#auditory #asa #music #musicperception #cognition #cognitivescience #auditorysceneanalysis

Last updated 1 year ago

Léo Varnet · @leovarnet
640 followers · 457 posts · Server

An excerpt from Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus about and ambiguity:
« Relationship [in music] is everything. And if you want to give it a more precise name, it is "ambiguity." To illustrate the meaning of the word, he played for me chord-progressions belonging to no definite key; demonstrated for me how such a progression fluctuates between C major and G major, if one leaves out the F [...] how it keeps the ear uncertain [...] "You know what I find?" he asked. "That music turns the equivocal into a system. Take this or that note. You can understand it so or respectively so. You can think of it as sharpened or flattened, and you can, if you are clever, take advantage of the double sense as much as you like. »
This somewhat echoes the conclusion of a scientific paper by Pressnitzer, Suied and Shamma on Scene Analysis :
« Music is an especially challenging stimulus to make sense, as most of it is abstract without any clear reference to an external object. By embedding several latent perceptual organizations into complex acoustical scenes, music may well be able to challenge the listener with a rich set of possibilities that can be freely entertained, with no other potential consequence than being surprised, rejoiced, or moved. »

#music #asa #auditory #auditorysceneanalysis #musicperception #cognition #cognitivescience

Last updated 1 year ago

Léo Varnet · @leovarnet
640 followers · 457 posts · Server

An excerpt from Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus about and ambiguity:
« Relationship [in music] is everything. And if you want to give it a more precise name, it is "ambiguity." To illustrate the meaning of the word, he played for me chord-progressions belonging to no definite key; demonstrated for me how such a progression fluctuates between C major and G major, if one leaves out the F [...] how it keeps the ear uncertain [...] "You know what I find?" he asked. "That music turns the equivocal into a system. Take this or that note. You can understand it so or respectively so. You can think of it as sharpened or flattened, and you can, if you are clever, take advantage of the double sense as much as you like. »
This somewhat echoes the conclusion of a scientific paper by Pressnitzer, Suied and Shamma on Scene Analysis :
« Music is an especially challenging stimulus to make sense, as most of it is abstract without any clear reference to an external object. By embedding several latent perceptual organizations into complex acoustical scenes, music may well be able to challenge the listener with a rich set of possibilities that can be freely entertained, with no other potential consequence than being surprised, rejoiced, or moved. »

#musicperception #music #auditory #asa #auditorysceneanalysis

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexandra Vinson she/her · @ahvinson
233 followers · 46 posts · Server

@Sociology, I’m currently prepping my schedule for the and annual meetings in Philadelphia.

If you’ll be there and would like to chat about sociology of health professions education, quantification & testing, or community-engaged mental health research, get in touch! (Grad students and postdocs, your coffee is on me!)

#sssi #asa

Last updated 1 year ago

Jaclyn Wong · @JaclynSWong
131 followers · 208 posts · Server

Also, and are both in Montreal next year so maybe I should just live in MTL for the summer to avoid flying back and forth??

#wfrn #asa

Last updated 1 year ago

Jaclyn Wong · @JaclynSWong
131 followers · 207 posts · Server

Anyone have advice about going to conferences for advanced assistant professors? Should I keep going to every year, or just and during the years it makes sense? But also, I always seem to have research in progress I could present so should I just stop submitting bc this travel is wearing me (and the planet) down?

#asa #wfrn #paa

Last updated 1 year ago

Peter Herold (he/they) · @peterherold
541 followers · 210 posts · Server

“For those reasons, whilst we acknowledged that some viewers may have found blood, blood clots and a used tampon distasteful, and that some distress had been caused, we did not consider that the imagery was likely to cause serious or widespread offence, or excessive fear or distress. We therefore concluded the ad did not breach the Codes.”

#wuka #asa #menstruation

Last updated 1 year ago

Monica Heilman 지혜 · @writingmonicker
186 followers · 367 posts · Server

Dinner break and then back at my submission. Might be down to the wire with this one. Fellow procrastinators in sociology are you ? 😅

#academicmastodon #academicchatter #OnHere #sociology #asa

Last updated 1 year ago

@sociology Reminder: **Computational Sociology Happy Hour** at in Philly will be at Tir Na Nog on Sat (8/19) from 6:30-8:30PM.

This will be joint with Math Soc, Methods, and other generous ASA sections.

(...and using this toot as an opportunity to test out the QTs on

#computationalsocialscience #sociology #asa23 #asa

Last updated 1 year ago