Cochlear implant (CI) users experience considerable difficulty in understanding speech in reverberant listening environments. This paper looks at suppressing reverberation in CI stimulus patterns using time-frequency masks based on phoneme groups: https://doi.org/10.1121/2.0001698
I hadn't had a chance yet to reflect on my 1st in person conf since Covid (#ASA183). B/c of access and environmental cost, I think hybrid options shouldn't go by the wayside. But I enjoyed seeing my colleagues, who I've been fortunate to establish relationships w/over the years at previous confs. But the other thing I really noticed is that I got WAY more feedback in person. When people are confined in a room, they come up to you. At online confs, I usually get 1 or 2 person in my Zoom room. 1/
Ben's talk "Optimization approach to designing a bioinspired bat robot for flight and sonar integration" has been awarded First prize in the Animal Bioacoustics Best Student Paper competition of the Nashville meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Congratulations! #ASA183
Whispers from the deep sea: the subtle sounds of hydrothermal vents #ASA183 https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/973102 #SoundscapeEcology #DeepSea #LifeOnTheEdge #acoustics
#asa183 #SoundScapeEcology #deepsea #lifeontheedge #acoustics
Christmas tree sparkling in front of the Tennessee State Capital in Nashville, site of the #ASA183.
Ben discusses bat flight data and optimization of the bat flight robot. #ASA183
Adam presents Trinity's talk on comparing the flight of the biomimetic bat robot to the flight of bats. #ASA183
Adam talks about his work with the flapping flight biomimetic bat robot. #ASA183
Ju is talking about the use of biomimetic sonar echoes for autonomous navigation. #ASA183
Michael presents his work on analyzing biomimetic sonar echoes from the forests of Brunei. #ASA183
Media Invited to Explore Urban Acoustics with a #SoundWalk of Nashville - Listening to the sound of a city can create healthier living environments https://acoustics.org/media-invited-to-explore-urban-acoustics-with-a-sound-walk-of-nashville-asa183/
Download the free meeting app now to manage your #ASA183 schedule! Scan the QR code or enter the URL into your device browser to download it.
What sessions are you looking forward to?
Putting the finishing touches on your #ASA183 presentation? Rember, only PC format is supported, so save presentations for PC compatibility and bring connectors/adaptors. If you plan to play audio or animations, ensure the files are saved on the USB drive w/ the presentation.
Check out the ASA’s Press Room! It is being updated with newsworthy #acoustics content from #ASA183: https://acoustics.org/asa-press-room/.
Visit for press releases, research summaries, videos and more!
Will you be posting about lectures, posters, or anything else at the 183rd ASA meeting in Nashville, TN, next week? Be sure to use #ASA183 so everyone can follow along!
Manage your #ASA183 schedule by downloading the free meeting app!
Scan the QR code or enter the URL into your device browser to download it.