Exposé Online · @exposeonline
54 followers · 351 posts · Server mas.to

New today: "Kosmonautik Pilgrimage is either the sixth or seventh release, depending on whether you count ’s solo album called Anchor and Burden, which set the stage for the group’s activities. Pilgrimage also marks the first change in personnel for the improvising collective, with taking over the drum seat from Shawn Crowder. There is also a slight change in feeling to the music..." expose.org/index.php/articles/

#improvisedmusic #exposeonline #asafsirkis #markusreuter #anchorandburden #review

Last updated 1 year ago

neue musikzeitung (nmz) · @nmz
219 followers · 156 posts · Server bildung.social

JazzZeitung.de — „Rainbow Bubbles“ zum Staunen – Von Mathias Bäumel

Immer mal wieder kann man in CD-Begleittexten lesen, dass die Musik vollständig ohne Overdubs, also live ohne irgendwelche „künstlichen” Zusätze, in einem Rutsch eingespielt worden sei. So



#rezension #asafsirkis #bandcamp #banjo #drum #folk #fusion #gitarre #Gitarrist #ModernJazz #moog #rainbowbubbles #rock #samosalamon #swing

Last updated 1 year ago