Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Sheiliza Carmali is a lecturer in the Protein Therapeutics at the School of Pharmacy, Queen’s University Belfast, UK.
Sheiliza is excited about how science communication can foster unique discussions and lead to innovative solutions and/or ideas.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #OpenScience
#openscience #science #research #preprints #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio
Join our Community Call speaker Hannah Hope, Open Research Lead at Wellcome Trust, to learn how funders are recognizing preprints in researcher assessment.
Wednesday, 26 July, 9am San Francisco / 12pm New York / 4pm UTC / 5pm London / 9:30pm Mumbai
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #publishing #OpenScience
#openscience #publishing #science #research #preprints #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio
Join our Community Call speaker Needhi Bhalla a Professor at the University of California Santa Cruz, to learn about recognition of #preprints in research assessment.
Wednesday, 26 July, 9am San Francisco / 12pm New York / 4pm UTC / 5pm London / 9:30pm Mumbai.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #publishing #OpenScience
#openscience #publishing #science #research #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio #preprints
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Yueh Cho is a postdoc at the Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
Yueh believes that #OpenScience will become the future standard for us to share knowledge, and the ASAPbio Fellows program provides an opportunity to be involved in the acceleration of science.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #OpenScience
#science #research #preprints #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio #openscience
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Garima Jain is a Principal Investigator at Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi, India.
Garima believes that preprints have the potential to revolutionize the way #research is disseminated and accelerate scientific progress.
Garima's larger objective is to advocate for the recognition of #preprints as equivalent to published work by government bodies, which would help remove barriers to the wider adoption of preprints in the research community.
#openscience #asapbio #preprints #research
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Chenyue Jiao is a PhD student in School of Information Sciences at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Chenyue's research interest lies in scholarly communication where she studies research data sharing and reuse.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #scicomm #ScienceCommunication #publishing #OpenScience
#openscience #publishing #sciencecommunication #scicomm #science #research #preprints #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Becca Shelley is a PhD student in Cell and Molecular Biology at the Duke University.
Becca is excited to participate in the ASAPbio Fellows program to learn about the impact of #preprints and transparency in science and to have conversations about promoting it within the scientific community.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #scicomm #ScienceCommunication #publishing #OpenScience
#openscience #publishing #sciencecommunication #scicomm #science #research #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio #preprints
If you post a preprint, the editors may contact you to publish in their journal rather than you ‘shopping around’ for a journal.
Read Baki Agbas's Preprint Story 👇 and post a preprint yourself!
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #scicomm #ScienceCommunication #publishing #OpenScience #PreprintStories
#preprintstories #openscience #publishing #sciencecommunication #scicomm #science #research #preprints #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Rania Abdelghani is an Associate Professor of Dermatology at the Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Rania believes that science should be available to everyone in an unrestricted manner.
The ASAPbio Fellows Program will allow Rania to implement her vision and contribute with other members in improving the quality of open peer review and making #preprints a norm in science communication.
#openscience #science #research #asapbio #preprints
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Reeteka Sud works as Research Coordinator at the Accelerator program for Discovery in Brain disorders using Stem cells (ADBS) Lab, at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences , Bangalore, India.
Reeteka joined the ASAPbio Fellows program to promote #OpenScience.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #scicomm #ScienceCommunication #publishing #OpenScience
#publishing #sciencecommunication #scicomm #science #research #preprints #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio #openscience
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Aneth Bella David is an early career researcher at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Aneth is passionate about #OpenScience, which includes #preprints and has been a strong proponent of promoting Open Science culture in Tanzania.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #scicomm #ScienceCommunication #publishing #OpenScience
#publishing #sciencecommunication #scicomm #science #research #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio #preprints #openscience
If you are in Pretoria next week, join South African #preprints advocates for the ASAPbio Local Hub event at the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) at the University of Pretoria campus on June 5.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #scicomm #ScienceCommunication #publishing #OpenScience
#openscience #publishing #sciencecommunication #scicomm #science #research #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio #preprints
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Arpita Ghosh is a postdoctoral fellow at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.
As an ASAPbio Fellow, Arpita is excited and looking forward to being a part of #preprint review, mentoring programs, and educating the community about #preprints.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #scicomm #ScienceCommunication #publishing #OpenScience
#openscience #publishing #sciencecommunication #scicomm #science #research #ecr #ECRs #asapbio #preprints #preprint
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Vanessa Bijak is a Research Associate at the University of Virginia.
Vanessa believes in sharing the results of scientific work in an open and transparent way. She is passionate about science communication and #OpenScience.
Vanessa wants to actively promote #preprints to the scientific community.
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #preprints #research #science #scicomm #scienceCommunication #publishing
#publishing #sciencecommunication #scicomm #science #research #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio #preprints #openscience
A result being "positive' or 'negative' depends entirely on how you frame your hypothesis. ‼️
Wise words from Livia Songster, the first author of the #preprint awarded in the ‘Make your negative result a preprint winner’ competition
How many pages or 'negative' results is in your lab book?
Take Livia's example and post them as a #Preprint.
Read about Livia's preprint and the value of publishing negative results in the blog post
#ASAPbio #research #science #OpenScience
#openscience #science #research #asapbio #preprint
ICYM: Dasapta Erwin Irawan, Hilyatuz Zahroh, and Iratxe Puebla authored a paper that "discusses the potential for #preprints to be a driving force for #OpenScience and for quality and integrity in scholarly outputs from Southeast Asia."
#ASAPbio #ECRs #ECR #preprint #research #science #scicomm #ScienceCommunication #publishing #OpenScience
#publishing #sciencecommunication #scicomm #science #research #preprint #ecr #ECRs #asapbio #openscience #preprints
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Amaresh Mishra is an ICMR-Senior Research Fellow and PhD student in cancer biology.
Amaresh believes sharing research findings openly and transparently with the broader scientific community and the general public is essential.
#asapbio #preprint #openscience #ecr #research
Meet the ASAPbio Fellows!
Emmanuel Adamolekun is an aspiring public health bioinformatician at the Helix Biogen Institute in Nigeria.
Emmanuel believes joining the ASAPbio Fellows program is an opportunity to learn more about #preprints and connect with members of the preprints community.
Emmanuel is looking forward to promoting the use of preprints in Nigeria by organizing events and outreach about preprints.
#OpenScience #sciencecommunication #ASAPbio #research #ECR #publishing
#publishing #ecr #research #asapbio #sciencecommunication #openscience #preprints
Read more about the 2023 ASAPbio Fellows program and apply by Friday, March 24th! ⏰
#OpenScience #Science #preprints #publishing #peerreview #ASAPbio #sciencecommunication
#sciencecommunication #asapbio #peerreview #publishing #preprints #science #openscience
Join our Community Call on March 22 to learn more about this initiative and to hear about preprint projects we have supported.
Register using the link below 👇
#publishing #asapbio #preprint #peerreview #openscience