Ludrol · @ludrol
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instance for My favorite gremlin at
Instance is new due exodus from reddit

#HonzukiNoGekokujou #ascendanceofabookworm #lemmy #本好きの下剋上

Last updated 1 year ago

S.Thanawat · @Thanawat
3 followers · 128 posts · Server

บทนี้อย่างฮา โดยเฉพาะ Lady Elvira ฉากหูผึ่ง จดยิกๆ นี้🤣🤣🤣

วัตถุดิบชั้นดีสำหรับ นิยายน้ำเน่าเรื่องใหม่ 5555


Last updated 2 years ago

S.Thanawat · @Thanawat
3 followers · 122 posts · Server

อ๊าาาา นี่ไง นึกอยู่ว่า Angelica ใน มันเหมือนใคร 🤔

เหมือน Clara จาก Iruma-kun นี่เอง🤣🤣


Last updated 2 years ago

S.Thanawat · @Thanawat
3 followers · 97 posts · Server

How it started VS How it ended 😆😆😆

บทนี้(P4V6)ฮากระจาบ โคตรสงสาร Brother Syl และชาวคณะ🤣🤣🤣


Last updated 2 years ago

S.Thanawat · @Thanawat
2 followers · 40 posts · Server

Damuel - Philine คู่นี้นี่มันดูตะหงิดๆ มาซักพักละนะเนี่ย😏

#ascendanceofabookworm #lightnovel

Last updated 2 years ago

Mel · @Melezioh
175 followers · 25 posts · Server
Tata Simone · @Urti
26 followers · 273 posts · Server

A un moment je parlerai peut-être de la façon dont Ascendance of a bookworm parle des traumatismes et de la reconstruction de ses personnages mais déjà il y a une partie bien lourde en trauma qui n'est pas encore passée et de plus si le serveur ferme je ne sais pas du tout comment récupérer mes toots. Donc ça attendra.


Last updated 2 years ago

けーざい · @keezay
23 followers · 335 posts · Server

第一章「本のない世界」 - バンダイチャンネル

#本好きの下剋上 #ascendanceofabookworm

Last updated 2 years ago

Audrey Azura · @AudreyAzura
33 followers · 140 posts · Server

I think my next long toot will be some discussion about mysticism in Ascendance of a Bookworm. There are so many great things in this book, and the way religion and magic is treated really is one of them. There are so many influences from so many real world religions and magic ideas, it really is crazy.

#ascendanceofabookworm #worldbuilding #mysticism #magic

Last updated 2 years ago

Tata Simone · @Urti
22 followers · 211 posts · Server

Ça y est, je suis arrivée au moment où je commence à grincer des dents à la lecture d'Ascendance of a bookworm par déformation professionnelle.

Myne est toute contente de faire un boulot de bibliothécaire pour sa professeure, Hirschur, dans la partie 5 volume 1.

Le boulot : organiser tous les documents de son laboratoire pour que ça soit propre et convenable pour une candidate Aub.

Ce que c'est en réalité : un travail d'archiviste. L'autrice Miya Kazuki ne connaît donc pas la différence entre les bibliothécaires et les archivistes et confond les deux, comme à peu près tout le monde sur cette planète, y compris ma famille (arrêtez svp 🥲). Hirschur mentionne pourtant la présence de documents dont elle ne se sert plus, DONC ce sont de fait des archives intermédiaires.

Et en plus c'est pas bien fait parce qu'elle sépare les documents par personne qui les a produits alors que les sujets sont les mêmes parce que les personnes ont bossé ensemble sur les mêmes sujets. Donc le fonds est éclaté. Et pour finir il n'y a à première vue pas eu de rédaction d'un instrument de recherche, même pas d'un récolement sommaire, alors qu'il est mentionné qu'il y a des documents en grosse quantité, partout et dans tous les sens. Bon courage pour retrouver quoi que ce soit dans ce bordel.

Et on est même pas encore à la partie de la salle d'archives interdite (faut arrêter avec ce fantasme de l'interdit sur les archives hein), je sens que ça va être grandiose. Comme il n'y a pas de lois claires dans ce pays, je ne m'attends pas à un truc très cohérent mais ça risque d'être encore pire qu'imaginé.

*Pinçage d'arête de nez et grognements archivistiques intensifies*

#archives #ascendanceofabookworm

Last updated 2 years ago

DaxAeterna ✨ (witchandry) · @ChaosCatgirl
563 followers · 598 posts · Server

AoaB is an where, instead of an otaku collecting waifus and assembling a harem, it's a STEM girl collecting supportive father figures and inventing the printing press.

#isekai #anime #ascendanceofabookworm

Last updated 2 years ago

Audrey Azura · @AudreyAzura
29 followers · 128 posts · Server

Finished my third re-read of Ascendance of a Bookworm part 4 vol 7. Now to attack the heart wrenching vol 8 and 9... Wish me luck TT.

#HonzukiNoGekokujou #ascendanceofabookworm

Last updated 2 years ago

Audrey Azura · @AudreyAzura
28 followers · 109 posts · Server


Ascendance of a Bookworm part 5 volume 10 secured!

#本好きの下剋上 #HonzukiNoGekokujou #ascendanceofabookworm

Last updated 2 years ago

Audrey Azura · @AudreyAzura
27 followers · 88 posts · Server

I am falling back (with glee) into Ascendance of a Bookworm. The worldbuilding is such a masterpiece, drawing upon many influences and combining them correctly to create a unique and believable world. I really need to get on writing this in-depth analysis of the world.

#HonzukiNoGekokujou #ascendanceofabookworm #fantasy #wordbuilding

Last updated 2 years ago

Audrey Azura · @AudreyAzura
20 followers · 71 posts · Server

Somehow I missed that part 5 vol 10 of 「本好きの下剋上」(Ascendance of a Bookworm) was out in october... but I still was able to get the limited edition!
7k yens poorer, but regret nothing haha.

#HonzukiNoGekokujou #ascendanceofabookworm #fantasy

Last updated 2 years ago

Cyber Yuki · @yuki2501
1003 followers · 3770 posts · Server

Looking for fellow bookworms!

Who in here reads the novels or has watched the anime?

Boosts ok! :boost_ok:

#ascendanceofabookworm #HonzukiNoGekokujou

Last updated 2 years ago

Anyacrypha · @Anyacrypha
63 followers · 283 posts · Server

Finished my re-read of Part 4 Vol 9, to prepare for the latest English volume. I cried so much over and over again throughout the volume, just like last time >_>

"Mom. Dad. I want to make books with Lutz!"

Well now I can start Part 5! I NEED MY BLOODY CARNIVAL!

#honzuki #lightnovels #ascendanceofabookworm

Last updated 2 years ago

Cyber Yuki :heart_trans: · @yuki2501
878 followers · 1820 posts · Server

Tired of cliched Isekais with RPG-mechanics and an overpowered generic protagonists getting a harem? :flan_eyeroll:​

Can't stand racist stereotypes in a certain wizard's saga?

Interested in an elaborate world and a protagonist who actually struggles to get by?

Do you like complex characters with motivations and diverse personalities?

Then do yourself a favor and read Ascendance of a Bookworm. The anime is fine, but there's so much you're missing (the last season ended just when things are getting interesting!)

I've read to the latest pre-pub volume, and character interactions are fantastic (lots of casual comedy there, and also drama).

Myne's character is simply adorable and her crazy antics will make you both laugh and facepalm at the same time.

I'd rate it 15 and up due to some mature themes (violence, classism, slavery, abuse mentions), but overall it's highly digestible and the English translation is extremely polished and well-localized.

Available at JNovel-club for the latest digital issues, and your favorite bookstore for the earlier volumes.

#fantasy #bookrecs #lightnovel #ascendanceofabookworm #HonzukiNoGekokujou

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Wuufu
10 followers · 70 posts · Server

Just finished Season 3 of . Still remains one of my favourite anime.

Cute, wholesome, informative, and emotional at times, it doesn’t fall into the same trap of some other more well known Isekai by moving away from what made it special and interesting for the sake of drama and higher tension, even if it reaches that by the end of the season.

Worth the watch.


Last updated 2 years ago

Cyber Yuki :transgender_flag:​ · @yuki2501
877 followers · 1541 posts · Server

For those of you who don't know me that much yet, I'm an avid fan of Ascendance of a Bookworm, the Japanese Light Novel written by Miya Kazuki.

The story follows a young child named Myne, who turns out to be a recently graduated librarian who died in an earthquake, buried by her own books.

She wakes up as a sickly 5yo girl in a medieval city, in a world without books. Since books were her only joy in her past life, she decides that if she can't find books, she will make her own!

The worldbuilding is without par in Isekai novels, secondary characters are non-cliché and well developed, and the story immerses you little by little in this fantastic yet mundane world, as we live the struggles that little Myne goes through just so she can make her first book.

Today The first chapter of Part 5 volume 2 (it's a very long saga), and I can't wait to start reading! 😍​

(Topics not appropriate for minors include: War mention, poverty, capitalism, sexual abuse mentions, slavery mention, occasional violence, blood, chronic illnesses, classism.)

Available on subscription at

#lightnovel #HonzukiNoGekokujou #ascendanceofabookworm

Last updated 2 years ago