I will be building off of some of the concepts I introduced in Section 5 of the written component of my previous presentation and I would love to hear your thoughts on my work as I shape my presentation for this year. (https://www.linkedin.com/posts/alyson-decker-41459134_preserving-unspoiled-space-for-future-generations-activity-7091818211788140544-hdX5?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop)
Can’t make it to Azerbaijan, then maybe I will see you at ASCEND 2023 in Las Vegas. (Where I will also be presenting.)
Let me know if you are going to IAC or ASCEND this year!
#iac2023 #ascendconvention #spacelaw #spacepolicy #fedilaw #lawfedi
#lawfedi #fedilaw #SpacePolicy #spacelaw #ascendconvention #iac2023