Rasalhague – de ster met de slang
Rasalhague, een ster die zo snel draait dat hij zichzelf platdrukt, heeft een fascinerende verbinding met de mythologie van de geneeskunde.
Rasalhague data
Officiële naamRasalhagueAndere aanduidingenAlpha Ophiuchi, HR 6556, HD 159561, HIP 86032Schijnbare helderheid (magnitude)2,07Afstand tot de Aarde (lichtjaar)48,59Type sterReuz
#ster #slangendrager #rasalhague #ophiuchus #asclepius
@siderea According to ChatGPT:
"One of the oldest known examples of carvings or iconography depicting Asclepius with the snake and staff can be traced back to ancient Greece. The most well-known representation comes from the 6th century BCE. The Asclepius of Milos, also known as the Asclepius of Melos or the Melos Asclepius, is a marble statue found on the Greek island of Milos. The sculpture is now in the Louvre Museum in Paris"
Here's a Rod of Aesculapius, displayed on the facade of the old Barber Surgeons Hall in Newcastle upon Tyne, built in 1851. Aesculapius was the Greek god of medicine (as Asclepius), imported by the Romans during a plague epidemic in 292 BC. Aesculapius is associated with snakes, which represent healing. I have a whole Fabulous Folklore episode about him!
#Aesculapius #GreekGods #RomanGods #GodOfMedicine #BarberSurgeonsHall #NewcastleUponTyne #History #Asclepius #NewcastleHistory #JohnDobson
#Aesculapius #greekgods #romangods #godofmedicine #barbersurgeonshall #newcastleupontyne #history #asclepius #NewcastleHistory #johndobson
Today's poem:
- by Shirin
#poetry #shirin #asclepius #healer #companion #love #nurture #partnership #joy
#poetry #shirin #asclepius #healer #companion #love #nurture #partnership #joy
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: this statue of Asclepius, from Perge. It's home is the Archaeological Museum, Antalya.
#perge #turkey #antalya #ArchaeologicalMuseum #asclepius #statue #roman #marble #sculpture
#perge #turkey #antalya #archaeologicalmuseum #asclepius #statue #roman #marble #sculpture
More on the Etruscan bronze statues.
Starting in 2020, funded by the San Casciano dei Bagni municipality, archaeologists unearthed a large marble pool of an ancient #Etruscan sanctuary. It was decorated with fountains and altars to the gods #Apollo, his son #Asclepius and Asclepius' daughter #Hygeia.
Archaeologist Emanuele Mariotti says that finding so many objects in their original site provides a unique historical context.
#Etruscan #apollo #asclepius #hygeia #archaeology #art #AncientArt