Delighted to have opportunity yesterday to speak with @GRASPtweets patient advocate mentors, #MBC survivors, oncologists & scientists about investigator-initiated trial @BrownOncology BrUOG 387 @BrownUCancer @BrownMedicine @BrownUniversity @LifespanHlthSys @carenewengland @OncoAlert
Our trial builds on >15 year effort in #eldeirylab first-in-human combo ER/PR+ Her2- breast cancer & tumors w/ Rb loss. Presented @ASCO #ASCO23 appreciate questions & discussion led by GRASP co-founder @itsnot_pink
In ER positive and HER2 negative #BreastCancer detection of circulating tumor DNA (ct DNA) following neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgery, is associated with a very high risk of early relapse. This suggests also limited efficacy of adjuvant endocrine therapy. Studies of clinical imaging and of experimental therapy are warranted in this patient population, especially in patients who fail to ‘clear’ ctDNA.
#ASCO23 Presentation slides are available now:
In patients with triple negative #BreastCancer RNA expression levels from peripheral immune cells could serve as a minimal-invasive liquid biopsy source to predict response to therapy, survival and immune-related adverse events. RNA expression levels could therefore enable differentiation between patients who might benefit from neoadjuvant immune checkpoint therapy compared to standard therapies. #ASCO23
Presentation slides are available now:
Exciting news from @cityofhope Dr. Alex Herrera at @asco #ASCO23 showing nivolumab-AVD poised to be new standard therapy for advanced stage classical Hodgkin lymphoma for both pediatric and adult patients.
Fascinating how many investment banking/vc people are present in #ASCO23, taking notes, asking questions etc, with notable interest in trials with designs including endpoints evaluable in the shorter term and leading to approvals (not always intersecting).
Fascinating how many investment banking/vc people are present in #ASCO23, taking notes, asking questions etc, with notable interest in trials with designs including endpoints evaluable in the shorter term and leading to approvals (not always intersecting).
#ICYMI at yesterday’s #ASCO23 Opening Session, Dr. Eric Winer described the theme of the meeting, which is “Partnering with Patients: The Cornerstone of Clinical Cancer and Research” and shared his own personal health journey.
He also presented lessons related to the importance of partnerships between clinicians and patients:
1) Relationship with health care team is paramount
2) Science matters
3) We all face challenges
4) Responses to illness vary across individuals
5) Stigma can be crushing
#ICYMI at yesterday’s #ASCO23 Opening Session, Dr. Eric Winer described the theme of the meeting, which is “Partnering with Patients: The Cornerstone of Clinical Cancer and Research” and shared his own personal health journey.
He also presented lessons related to the importance of partnerships between clinicians and patients:
1) Relationship with health care team is paramount
2) Science matters
3) We all face challenges
4) Responses to illness vary across individuals
5) Stigma can be crushing
Maybe too early, but again this year I notice that #ASCO23 posters presenting AI or ML work are very scarce in details about the actual methods.
Maybe too early, but again this year I notice that #ASCO23 posters presenting AI or ML work are very scarce in details about the actual methods.
#ASCO23 started for me today in the sunnt Chicago - lots of results to cover and friends to meet and catch-up!
#ASCO23 started for me today in the sunnt Chicago - lots of results to cover and friends to meet and catch-up!
Early this morning I was excited to run into the amazing and inspiring @AmerCancerCEO at the @ASCO meeting in Chicago #ASCO23
Grateful to @AmericanCancer for the unwavering support of cancer research, of patients, and the community
@ACSCAN @ACSCANRI @BrownUCancer @BrownMedicine @BrownUniversity
Gotta meet those deadlines👇
Grant writing on my first flight en route to Chicago for #ASCO23 all it takes is being in a quiet place with the needed materials available.
As #ASCO23 approaches and another year goes by, and as a member of a known but unappreciated immigrant ethnic minority with no disaggregated data from “white,” I am concerned about DEI in the oncology/cancer research workforce and concerned about minority inclusion in cancer clinical trials @ASCO @ASCOPost @drdonsdizon @AACR @DrRobWinn @theNCI @OtisBrawley @TheCancerLetter
Looking forward to the @ASCO #ASCO23 meeting in June and excited to share our progress and collaborations
RT @dawood_findakly
@NarjustFlorezMD @TumorBoardTues @MPishvaian @JohnEbbenMDPhD @Empoweringpts9 @ASCO @pashtoonkasi @DrSteveMartin @ShaalanBeg @JineshGheeya @VivekSubbiah @manjuggm Congratulations to #TumorBoardTuesday on their incredible achievement of being selected for the poster discussion session at #ASCO23! Your hard work and dedication to advancing cancer research is truly inspiring. Keep up the amazing work! 🎉👏 #cancerresearch #achievement
#TumorBoardTuesday #asco23 #cancerresearch #achievement
RT @TumorBoardTues
🎉While we were on hiatus, we received notification of our #ASCO23 abstract acceptance for discussion!!
We’re thrilled to bring more awareness of the impact #TumorBoardTuesday discussions continue to have on knowledge of novel therapies and toxicities in solid tumor oncology!🙏🏼