Prices in Dollars Rose Almost 54% in Venezuela During 2022 - Prices in Venezuela have been rising steadily even when denominated in foreign cur... - #dollardenominatedprices #asdrubaloliveros #emergingmarkets #hyperinflation #ecoanalitica #inflation #venezuela #usdollar
#usdollar #venezuela #inflation #ecoanalitica #hyperinflation #emergingmarkets #asdrubaloliveros #dollardenominatedprices
Venezuelan Currency Plunges Almost 40% Against the US Dollar, Analysts Cite Crypto Drought as Part of the Problem - The Venezuelan fiat currency, the bolivar, has lost almost 40% in its exchange rat... - #venezuelafiatcurrency #asdrubaloliveros #dollarinjection #marketmakers #monitordolar #devaluation #joseguerra #u.s.dollar #economics #liquidity #ftx
#ftx #liquidity #economics #u #joseguerra #devaluation #monitordolar #marketmakers #dollarinjection #asdrubaloliveros #venezuelafiatcurrency