Läs om produktionen av syntetiska diamanter i Sverige 1953-2016:
https://gemmologi.wordpress.com/2023/04/26/produktionen-av-syntetiska-diamanter-i-sverige-1953-2016/ #diamanter #SyntetiskaDiamanter #SyntetiskaÄdelstenar #gemmologi #ASEA #ElementSix #DeBeers
#debeers #elementsix #asea #gemmologi #syntetiskaadelstenar #syntetiskadiamanter #diamanter
RT @DrKatrinaAdkins
A remastered version of Myst is coming to iOS https://ift.tt/SJQqno9 #ASEA #ASEAinItaly
When synthetic diamonds became available in larger quantities it revolutionised the lapidary industry. Anyone could afford high quality abrasives for #gemcutting and knowledge of #lapidary arts spread & developed quickly from the early 1960s onward. There would be no fancy cuts or hobbyist lapidaries without synthetic diamonds. Picture by me of synthetic diamonds produced by #ASEA in the 1960-s at the #MuseumOfTechnology archive, #Stockholm. #gemmology #gemstonecutting #diamonds #gems #gemology
#gemology #gems #diamonds #gemstonecutting #gemmology #stockholm #museumoftechnology #asea #lapidary #gemcutting