#ASECS people--have you voted in the elections yet? The link to the ballot was a text link in an email that I didn't see the first time. Here it is: https://vote.press.jhu.edu/asecs/election/9
If you're a BSECS member (or a member of another @isecs affiliated eighteenth-century studies society such as #ASECS), don't forget to vote in the elections to the ISECS Executive Committee. Voting closes this Friday 5 May. Vote at: https://oraprdnt.uqtr.uquebec.ca/pls/public/gscw031?owa_no_site=304&owa_no_fiche=538&owa_bottin=
I’m on my way to #ASECS2023 , which will be my first time at #ASECS rather than CSECS — I’d love to meet folks whom I haven’t had a chance to cross paths with before! (I mostly do DH and women’s writing, but I’m presenting on a new project looking at subscription publications, specifically Sancho’s Letters)
Please send a happy thought into the universe that the four hours between when my plane is supposed to land and when my talk is supposed to start tomorrow hold true. #ASECS #ASECS2023
Okay, I hope I did this right. @carrideen and I asked our #ASECS director if we could create a Mastodon group before #ASECS23, so if you follow @ASECS and then tag it in posts, it should automatically boost your post to all group followers. Try it/share.
#ASECS2023 #ASECSonMastodon @shandyist @h_d_hudson @nushpowell @biblioscholar @mazdam @drreznicek @AngelaH @sifutweety @LVTroost @jengolight @Jen @RebeccaShapiro @SethRudy @quixotical @david_diamond @JackLynch00 @ODSECS @LisaMaruca
#asecs #asecs23 #asecs2023 #asecsonmastodon
@carrideen I honestly hope that #ASECS leadership could give us a report of that, because you're right, if the national could be done with a virtual component, or an alternating f2f/virtual schedule, and coordinated with regionals, it might help keep things going.
I know at least some of the #ASECSonMastodon folks follow me here: let me do a brief thread about the state of our conferences:
I just came back from a fine SCSECS conference in College Station, and what I'm seeing is a markedly smaller group, with some grad students, fewer faculty members and very few early career people.
Anecdotally, I'm hearing about a similar demographic split in attendance at #ASECS. Are others seeing this? And is it time to start rethinking 18c conferences?
@mazdam @danhon Well, go tell people on Twitter to come here and follow #ASECS #ASECS23 and #ASECS2023 (I will do it too but I have few Twitter followers).
Has there been any discussion about the "encouraged to wear masks" guidlines at ASECS? My institution "encourages" mask wearing and nobody wears them 😞.
#asecs #asecs23 #asecs2023 #covid #MaskUp
#ASECS23 is coming up soon! If you are planning to be there, let us know what you are presenting and when! #ASECS #ASECS2023
(For non-ASECSers: This is the American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies annual conference, in St. Louis, Mar. 9-11.)
@sifutweety @carrideen quizzing glasses! Then at #ASECS we can spend our time quizzing each other and gossiping (not a major departure tbh)
#C18Studies folks, I'm getting a 502 error trying to check my #ASECS membership, but I'm not connected to a VPN or anything. Is something going on?
WSECS 2023 is extending its deadline until Dec. 9! Cal State-Northridge, Feb. 17-18, 2023. Theme of Material/Immaterial with keynote speaker Helen Deutsch. Virtual and in-person options available! #18thcentury #litstudies #wsecs23 #asecs #arthistory #histodons https://wsecs2023.wordpress.com/cfp/
#18thcentury #litstudies #wsecs23 #asecs #arthistory #histodons