· @Wuzzy
236 followers · 439 posts · Server fosstodon.org

In our culture, the assumption that everyone will eventually feel sexually attracted to someone or that every adult lusts for sex is very common, but it is wrong. Millions of and sex-repulsed and sex-averse people beg to differ.

:asexual_flag: completely subverts the way how we think about . It challenges dominant dogmas. Good. Dogmas need to die. ✊

#asexuals #asexuality #sexuality #ace #InternationalAsexualityDay #iad

Last updated 2 years ago

shout out to the raunchy

a sex-repulsed buddy of mine is a filthy fucking pervert for which even she has no explanation, and it is fabulous

#asexuals #asexuality #asexualappreciation

Last updated 2 years ago

Jami · @JamiJR
32 followers · 324 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club

I know some people think it's sad I don't believe romantic exist. But I really do believe it's a lie made up by the to control women. "Ladies! Stay a virgin for your soulmate! Men, fuck as many as you want!" Plus the idea there's one 1 person for every 1 person is insulting to people who are & widows/widowers who remarry. Don't even get me started on those who choose to be celibate or those who are sex and/or romance repulsed.

#soulmates #patriarchy #polyamorous #asexuals

Last updated 2 years ago

James · @j34329z
10 followers · 243 posts · Server anti-social.online

Found on Reddit: a chart of Experiences!
...to help the and (of varying flavours) understand each other a little better.
What I want to know is where fit in (i.e. people who like the *idea* of sex and relationships but who encounter a brick wall in their heads if ever it gets there)...

Original post can be found here:

#aspec #allosexuals #asexuals #cupiosexuals #acespec #aroace #asexuality #asexual #infographic #sexuality #LGBT #queer

Last updated 2 years ago

James · @j34329z
10 followers · 243 posts · Server anti-social.online

Found on Reddit: a chart of ASpec Experiences!
...to help the and (of varying flavours) understand each other a little better.
What I want to know is where fit in (i.e. people who like the *idea* of sex and relationships but who encounter a brick wall in their heads if ever it gets there)...

Original post can be found here:

#allosexuals #asexuals #cupiosexuals #acespec #aroace #asexuality #asexual #infographic #sexuality #LGBT #queer

Last updated 2 years ago

James · @j34329z
10 followers · 243 posts · Server anti-social.online

Found on Reddit: a chart of ASpec Experiences!
...to help the and (of varying flavours) understand each other a little better.
What I want to know is where fit in (i.e. people who like the *idea* of sex and relationships but who encounter a brick wall in their heads if ever it gets there)...

Original post can be found here:

#allosexuals #asexuals #cupiosexuals #acespec #aroace #asexuality #asexual #infographic #sexuality #LGBT #queer

Last updated 2 years ago

James · @j34329z
10 followers · 243 posts · Server anti-social.online

Found on Reddit.
A chart to help the and (of varying flavours) understand each other a little better.
What I want to know is where fit in (i.e. people who like the *idea* of sex and relationships but who encounter a brick wall in their heads if ever it gets there)...

#allosexuals #asexuals #cupiosexuals #acespec #aroace #asexuality #asexual #infographic #sexuality #LGBT #queer

Last updated 2 years ago

Centaura✳️ · @Centaura
62 followers · 83 posts · Server tkz.one

Que difícil es lidiar con una persona poco acostumbrada a expresar y recibir cariño.
Es falta de costumbre, desentreno, y posiblemente que en su vida anterior tampoco le sobró de éso.
Pero yo lo único que tengo mermado es el impulso sexual, no el afectivo y me está costando la vida gestionarlo y no sentir inseguridad, tratando de no ser "pesada", tratando de no frustrarme o "resignarme", y mucho menos, reprochar al otro.
Cuando entras en mi "círculo de protección" afectiva en calidad de lo que sea, recibes cariño a carretilladas y me cuesta entender que para el resto no sea lo normal.
Si estais en una relación con alguien asexual o grisasexual ¿cómo se gestiona?

#asexuals #grisasexual #alorromantic #pas #espectroace #asexual

Last updated 2 years ago

CaptBobbers · @CaptBobbers
147 followers · 968 posts · Server mas.to

Guess the reactionaries are finally getting around to us as part of their moral panic.

Cannot wait to hear what politicians (as well as the bigots at the Daily Wire dot com) think of me and my dEpRaVeD "lifestyle." You know, the one where I abstain from fucking anyone if I do not want to fuck anyone and I don't want to so I don't fuck anyone. Bring on the perfectly reasonable explanations of how me and mine are dEsTrOyInG wEsTeRn CiViLiZaTiOn.

#moralpanic #ace #AsexualPride #asexual #asexuals

Last updated 2 years ago

Авис :acebug: · @snowyavis
12 followers · 59 posts · Server mastodon.art

『 Знам где припадам 』


Had I been taught about the existence of asexuality and ace spectrum earlier in my life, I could've been spared a lot of pain and feeling of not belonging anywhere. Now I know where I belong.

#aspec #queer #lgbt #lgbtq #pride #demisexual #grayasexual #grayace #ace #AsexualityAwareness #asexuals #asexual #MastoArt

Last updated 2 years ago

Douglas 🇺🇦 · @caycepollard
190 followers · 1028 posts · Server appdot.net

I feel exactly the same. There are some in the LGBTQ+ community who don’t event recognize us. They think we’re just cis hetero people refusing to have sex. It’s demeaning. I feel occupy the queer space. Even if we’re not the typical LGBTQ+, we are still queer in our sexuality.

But yeah, I get imposter syndrome. I feel I’m occupying a space where I don’t belong


Last updated 2 years ago