it #AsexualVisibilityDay - i'm aroace, hello!
i didn't draw an art sorry my shoulder is still angy from when i broke it
Heeeeeey I didn't know we had a day. This seriously makes me all warm and squishy inside!
Aaaaaal the hash tags, but the top one seems to be the most widely used.
Serious talk: It's easy to feel broken as an Ace person. We are NOT broken! We are different, and being different is awesome! I celebrate our differences and I think we all should.
Sexuality is... weird, complicated and can literally make no fucking sense! Know that you don't have to conform to a label. If you want to use a label use one that you feel bets fits YOU, not one that you feel you best fit into.
I struggle with my sexuality and especially my aromantic side, like ALOT, and I think that's OK. I think I'll be "figuring things out" for maybe the rest of my life.
#internationalasexualityday #internationalaceday #asexualvisibilityday
Feliz día internacional de la visibilidad asexual!
#diavisibilidadasexual #asexualvisibilityday