"A Cup of Asgard", illustration 01 ! Il y en aura un peu plus de vingt cinq au total, et quand elles seront toutes postées je vous montrerai la grande carte montrant comment tout ça est agencé. Rappel du contexte : http://www.acupoftim.com/2023/09/a-cup-of-asgard.html #acupofasgard #saintseiya #asgard
#acupofasgard #saintseiya #asgard
[Thread] Bonjour, histoire de vous présenter le contexte de mon nouveau projet #ACupofAsgard il faut savoir que ça se passe dans l'univers de #SaintSeiya (Les Chevaliers du Zodiaque), plus exactement à #Asgard. Si vous connaissez cette série et l'aimez, ça risque de vous plaire.
#acupofasgard #saintseiya #asgard
Gizmodo: Taika Waititi Thinks Thor 5 Would Need a Truly Worthy Villain https://gizmodo.com/thor-5-villain-plans-taika-waititi-1850756166 #entertainmentculture #malekiththeaccursed #thorloveandthunder #gorrthegodbutcher #taikawaititi #titanbooks #janefoster #asgard #thor #loki #hela #odin
#entertainmentculture #malekiththeaccursed #thorloveandthunder #gorrthegodbutcher #taikawaititi #titanbooks #janefoster #asgard #thor #loki #hela #odin
Fin des publications concernant "Canevas" ! Dès septembre, chaque lundi, je publierai une aquarelle. Ces aquarelles font partie d'une nouvelle série d'images, un truc qui me trottait dans la tête depuis plusieurs années. J'expliquerai tout dès le premier post, j'espère que ça vous plaira. #SaintSeiya #Asgard #FanArt
I can be a little more generous with my clipping plane setup, so for most orbits, I won't need a terrain renderer for some time, at least.
#gamedev #screenshot #callisto #asgard
Wir sind alle „Asgardianer“. Eukaryoten entstanden aus einer Untergruppe der Asgard-Archaeen. #Asgard #Archaea #Evolution #Stammbaum #Eukaryoten #Einzeller
#asgard #Archaea #evolution #Stammbaum #eukaryoten #Einzeller
New clues about #origin of complex #life trace roots to common ancestor.
#archea #Asgard #evolution #phylogeny
#origin #life #archea #asgard #evolution #Phylogeny
"**Inference and reconstruction of the heimdallarchaeial ancestry of eukaryotes"**
#phylogenomics #Asgard #Archaea
#Phylogenomics #asgard #Archaea
#Odin: "Onwards to #Asgard then!"
#Thor: *giggles*
Odin: "What are you giggling about?"
Thor: "You said #ass guard!"
Odin: "No, I did not say ass guard, I said Asgard."
Thor: "If you say so. At least, we're not going to #Uranus."
Odin: "What?"
Thor: *giggles some more*
#odin #asgard #thor #ass #uranus #joke #humor #dadjoke
Scientists have grown and imaged a primitive Asgard archaeon, a group of microbes closely related to the ancestors of complex life. Lokiarchaeum ossiferum has many actin filaments that form a network inside the cell and extend as tendrils outside. These filaments are similar to those found in eukaryotic cells with a nucleus and other organelles. The study shows how eukaryotes evolved from an ancient merger of archaea and bacteria.
#asgard #eukaryotes #evolution
#asgard #eukaryotes #evolution
"The Fifth Race" is definitely one of my favorite episodes of #Stargate SG-1.
#series #shows #stargatesg1 #season2 #asgard #scifi #sciencefiction
#stargate #series #shows #stargatesg1 #season2 #asgard #scifi #sciencefiction
"The Fifth Race" is definitely one of my favorite episodes of #Stargate SG-1.
#series #shows #stargatesg1 #season2 #asgard #scifi #sciencefiction
#stargate #series #shows #stargatesg1 #season2 #asgard #scifi #sciencefiction
Praise Odin meow.
#favoritedinosaurstudios #cat #cats #kitten #kitty #catoftheday #catlover #meow #catlovers #freyja #praiseodin #odin #norseyythology #vikings #odinism #norsepaganism #odinworshiper #heathen #odinworship #asgard
#favoritedinosaurstudios #cat #cats #kitten #kitty #catoftheday #catlover #meow #catlovers #freyja #praiseodin #odin #norseyythology #vikings #odinism #norsepaganism #odinworshiper #heathen #odinworship #asgard
Hört, der Wind da draußen, erzählt eine Geschichte.
#Yggdrasil der Weltenbaum, dessen Wurzeln reichen sehr tief in die Erde und seine Krone berührt den Himmel. In Asgard, dem Reich der Götter, lebt der einäugige Göttervater #Odin und der mächtige Donnergott Thor. Vor ihrem Wohnort in #Asgard, versammeln sich die Götter in Valhalla.
#paganism #pagan #norsepaganism #norsemythology #photography #norsepagan #norsegod #photography
#yggdrasil #odin #asgard #paganism #pagan #norsepaganism #norsemythology #photography #norsepagan #NorseGod
Lo mejor y lo peor de Marvel del 2022
Ha llegado el momento de hacer un repaso por lo que fue el pasado 2022 y en post analizaremos lo mejor y lo peor q
#Cómics #PelículasMarvel #Seriesdetelevisión #Asgard #BlackPanther #BrujaEscarlata #Caballeroluna #ChipZdarsky #cómic #Cómics #Daredevil #doctorstrange #Elcastigador #Elhombrelobo #groot #Guardianesdelagalaxia #HombreLobo #Hulk #Ironheart #JaneFoster #JasonAaron #JohnRomitaJ
#comics #peliculasmarvel #seriesdetelevision #asgard #blackpanther #brujaescarlata #caballeroluna #chipzdarsky #comic #daredevil #doctorstrange #elcastigador #elhombrelobo #groot #guardianesdelagalaxia #hombrelobo #hulk #ironheart #janefoster #jasonaaron #johnromitaj
Hört, der Wind da draußen, erzählt eine Geschichte.
#Yggdrasil der Weltenbaum, dessen Wurzeln reichen sehr tief in die Erde und seine Krone berührt den Himmel. In Asgard, dem Reich der Götter, lebt der einäugige Göttervater #Odin und der mächtige Donnergott Thor. Vor ihrem Wohnort in #Asgard, versammeln sich die Götter in Valhalla.
Hier nehmen sie die Anbetungen und Huldigungen der Menschen entgegen, die den Göttern Stärke und Leben schenkten. Von #Valhalla aus blickt der Göttervater Odin auf die drei Reiche der Erde und schickt seine Raben aus, um ihm Neues aus fernen Ländern zuzutragen.
#paganism #pagan #norsepaganism #norsemythology #photography #norsepagan #norsegod #photography
#yggdrasil #odin #asgard #valhalla #paganism #pagan #norsepaganism #norsemythology #photography #norsepagan #norsegod
My review of the book Doctor Who: The Legends of River Song – Selected Excerpts from River’s Diary #anthology #Asgard #bookreview #DoctorWho #DoctorWhoBooks #ElvisPresley #RiverSong
#anthology #asgard #BookReview #doctorwho #doctorwhobooks #elvispresley #riversong
#biology #archaea #Asgard #eukaryotes
An article published in the journal "Nature" reports a study on archaea that belong to the proposed superphylum called Asgard and in particular on their characteristics that make them a possible evolutionary missing link with eukaryotes.
#biology #archaea #asgard #eukaryotes