Refusal to wear masks at #ASH2022 #ASH22, despite posted requirement to do so, is a total disgrace that has to be called out. Anti-vax/mask liars like Vinay Prasad are telling their hundreds of thousands of followers that this proves no one should mask. Of course their passing it on to their patients.
Today, JAMA Oncology's lead article shows that ppl with #hematologic #cancers are among the most vulnerable to COVID infections/hospitalizations.
Thank you to those who went against the grain to mask at the #ASH2022 #ASH22 hematology conference.
#hematologic #cancers #ash2022 #ash22
Enjoyed #ASH2022 day (science) and night (food/music) ! It was so great to see many friends at the meeting!
Another great #WomeninStem on-demand talk by #ASH2022 looking forward to what comes next for #platelets in MPN! Work
#womeninstem #ash2022 #platelets
More great #thrombosis presentations on-demand while I'm waiting at airport by #WomeninStem #ASH2022 👩🔬
#thrombosis #womeninstem #ash2022
#medicine #oncology #hematologyoncology #ash22 #ash2022 #immunotherapy #celltherapy #raredisease #MDS #leukemia #lymphoma #myeloma #raredisease #rarecancer #raremalignancy #covid19 #sarscov2 #immunocompromised #immunetherapy #education #meded #medonc
#medicine #oncology #hematologyoncology #ash22 #ash2022 #Immunotherapy #CellTherapy #RareDisease #mds #Leukemia #lymphoma #myeloma #rarecancer #raremalignancy #COVID19 #SarsCoV2 #immunocompromised #immunetherapy #education #MedEd #medonc
Here we go! Announcing this year's top 20 patient-reported outcomes abstracts at #ASH22. Follow along in this thread for the latest thought-provoking (and provocative!) #qualityoflife studies in hematology. 🧵#MajorPROs #MajorPROsASH #ASH2022 cc
#ash22 #qualityoflife #majorpros #majorprosash #ash2022
For all #ASH2022 attendees ⬇️
#EOY is approaching and we're counting down with our highest papers #Year2022 soon.
What was YOUR most interesting JTH paper??
One of the biggest “unmet needs” in myeloma today is a reliable approach to safely getting patients OFF of therapy. @End_myeloma #ASH2022
Congratulations Sean Quinn for highest scoring #ASH2022 abstract #thrombosis & haemostasis field 🏆#hemophilia 💊 treatment with Factor Va binding ab
#ash2022 #thrombosis #hemophilia
Looking forward to catching up with many of you #ASH2022 ⬇️
Afterwards join us at the ASH Networking Reception for the Hemostasis and Thrombosis Community, taking place down the hallway in Rivergate Terrace, from 6:30- 7:30.
Another great #platelets talk on netosis thrombo inflammation #ASH2022
Very interesting findings on mitochondia & role glycogen in #platelets #ASH2022
Visited the booth to drop off Australian Timtam cookies for & Andy #ASH2022
Great #ASH2022 presentation of the interim analysis of the first 95 ET patients treated within the #RuxoBEAT trial showing superiority in symptom score improvement in the #ruxolitinib arm by from #CRU344
#ash2022 #ruxobeat #ruxolitinib #CRU344
Join me,, to close out #ASH2022 with a bang: #RobFaumenhaft will present exciting data on new mechanisms and therapeutic targets in sepsis at the Special Symposium on the Basic Science of HT. 4:30-6, ENMCC 208-210.
Best of #ASH2022 ‼ talk on now on 3D Bonemarrow niche organoids
#ASH2022 overturning Roe v. Wade can impact access to high quality reproductive healthcare for women with bleeding disorders, increasing the need for illegal abortions, increasing their risk of bleeding with higher rates of complications.
Excited to present my work today #ASH2022
Life is good with great breakfast just before #ASH2022 #Happybirthday to me 😬