I took five genetic genealogy courses this year, most focused on endogamy, pedigree collapse, and multiple relationships. Nicole Dyer at Family Locket asked me to share something about that. This post focuses on visualizing complex relationships, such as multiple instances of pedigree collapse and multiple relationships in one match.
#AsheCountyNC #DNA #endogamy #familyHistory #geneadons #genealogy #geneticGenealogy #pedigreeCollapse
#ashecountync #dna #endogamy #familyhistory #geneadons #genealogy #geneticgenealogy #pedigreecollapse
All 32 of my 3rd-great-grandparents had settled into one Appalachian county by 1820 (many earlier), and 60 of my most-recent ancestors were born, lived, and died there, in Ashe County, NC.
I'm interested in genetic genealogy, especially endogamy, pedigree collapse, and teasing-apart multiple relationships using DNA segment triangulation.
My hashtags:
#ashecountync #dna #endogamy #familyhistory #genealogy #geneticgenealogy #introduction #northcarolina #pedigreecollapse #virginia #geneadons