Film Review: SHAZAM! FURY OF THE GODS (2023): New DC Movie is a Wild, Funny Ride with a Lot of Characters Mixed In
#FilmBook #MovieReview #AdamBrody #AsherAngel #ChrisMorgan #CooperAndrews #D.J.Cotrona #DavidF.Sandberg #DC #DiedrichBader #DjimonHounsou #GraceCarolineCurrey #HelenMirren #HenryGayden #HillaryHarley #JackDylanGrazer #JovanArmand #LucyLiu #MartaMi
#filmbook #moviereview #adambrody #asherangel #chrismorgan #cooperandrews #d #davidf #dc #diedrichbader #djimonhounsou #gracecarolinecurrey #helenmirren #henrygayden #hillaryharley #jackdylangrazer #jovanarmand #lucyliu #martami
Returning as the younger version of Zachary Levi's superhero, Asher Angel says "Shazam! Fury of the Gods" is everything you loved about the first movie, and more.
#AsherAngel #ShazamFuryoftheGods #Shazam2 #Shazam #Film #movies #movienews #entertainmentnews #Entertainment
#asherangel #shazamfuryofthegods #shazam2 #shazam #film #movies #movienews #entertainmentnews #Entertainment
SHAZAM! FURY OF THE GODS (2023) Movie Trailer 2: Zachary Lev fights New Foes in the DC Superhero Sequel
#FilmBook #MoviePoster #MovieTrailer #AdamBrody #AsherAngel #ComicBook #CooperAndrews #D.J.Cotrona #DavidF.Sandberg #DCComics #FaitheHerman #GraceFulton #HelenMirren #IanChen #JackDylanGrazer #JovanArman #LucyLiu #MartaMilans #MeaganGood #MoviePoster #MovieTrailer #R
#filmbook #movieposter #movietrailer #adambrody #asherangel #comicbook #cooperandrews #d #davidf #dccomics #faitheherman #gracefulton #helenmirren #ianchen #jackdylangrazer #jovanarman #lucyliu #martamilans #meagangood #r