This reminds me of an incident in a #MMORPG called #AsheronsCall back in the day. A bunch of high level people debuffed themselves and let a bunny in the newbie area kill them. NPCs leveled just like players, so the bunny became extremely high level. It ended up slaughtering new players for a couple days before the admins figured out what was happening. They eventually created an area boss named #Pookie, being a bunny at level 666 in acknowledgement of the incident. It was hilarious. (c o l)
Asheron's Call Live -- Late night grinding session via #youtubegaming #asheronscall
Asheron's Call Live -- Level focused for a change via #youtube #asheronscall #retrogames
#youtube #asheronscall #retrogames
Asheron's Call Live - You're Silyun's only hope! via #youtubegaming #asheronscall
Asheron's Call Live -- Thank you for 500 Subs! via #youtube #asheronscall
Asheron's Call Live -- Whispering Blade sidequest and perhaps other stuff via #youtube #asheronscall #ytgaming
#youtube #asheronscall #ytgaming
Intro to Asheron's Call Sudden Season #asheronscall #youtubegaming
More Asheron's Call Live - Magic, Leveling and Beer oh my #asheronscall #youtubegaming
Asheron's Call Live - Continuing with lost city of Frore #asheronscall #youtubegaming
Asheron's Call Live - Let's do some old quests! #asheronscall
Asheron's Call Live - Returning to Whispering Blade Quests #asheronscall #youtubegaming
Anybody else just get bored sometimes and set up game servers for fun and nostalgia? I know I do :), set up an Asheron's Call server over the weekend for myself and a couple of friends. The Nostalgia is real. Remember playing this game for years when I was younger. #AsheronsCall #Gaming
"Bin eben dreimal verreckt, weil ich die Kack-Ratten nicht treffe." ein Satz, den ich im normalen Leben vermutlich nicht von mir geben würde. Im Online Game ist diese Aussage aber legitim.
Doch jetzt wird es strange, denn ich muss jetzt erstmal "meine Leichen ausräumen". Jetzt wisst Ihr, was ich so in meiner Freizeit mache. #asheronscall #mmorpg