School #45, #AshGrove; Miss #HazelMcKay, Teacher. One-room school in fair condition. Opened September 4th--8 months term. #Enrollment22, average attendance 15; last year: enrollment 27, average attendance 15. The balance are picking cotton and also 5 more that have not enrolled at all. Pickers may be out 2 weeks more. Teacher expects 30 enrolled after picking is over. Location: #ComancheCounty, #Oklahoma
#ashgrove #hazelmckay #enrollment22 #comanchecounty #oklahoma #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
RT @thatshelf
ICYMI: .@_rachelkh chatted with @LaLondeJeremy about his new feature, #Ashgrove—a fascinating film with an even more fascinating backstory.
ICYMI: .@_rachelkh chatted with @LaLondeJeremy about his new feature, #Ashgrove—a fascinating film with an even more fascinating backstory.
.@_rachelkh chatted with @LaLondeJeremy about his new feature, #Ashgrove—a fascinating film with an even more fascinating backstory.