I started reading this article titled "WHEN THE BEAT GOES OFF" which intrigued me as we strive so hard to KEEP THE BEAT so that the beat goes ON!
The first paragraph: "Rhythm pulses inside the brain of a Ghanian drummer, sitting in a physics laboratory in Gottingen, Germany. His hands caress the skin of a bongo drum, guided by the metronome’s tick through his headphones. He plays for five minutes, filling the sterile lab environment with staccato sounds, as a team of physicists records him, searching for a pattern."
I saw those words "his HANDS caress the skin of A BONGO drum." And my first thought was:

NAH...I bet he was playing a DJEMBE! Because so many people call almost any hand drum a bongo! And then I remembered a meme I had seen which summed it up perfectly - and then I FOUND IT AGAIN and I think it's kinda true!


#djembe #tabla #conga #ashiko #castanets #bongos #drumming

Last updated 2 years ago