#Ashoka schauen mit dem Star Wars-Rebels sozialisiertem Kind treibt mir Tränen in die Augen 😂 Die Kommentare ey. Best of:
„Geil, jeden Mittwoch eine neue Folge“
Kind über Shin Hati: „Hä…die könnte doch bei uns auf der Schule rumlaufen. 5. Klasse oder so“
Gizmodo: That Was the Episode of Ahsoka We'd Been Waiting For https://gizmodo.com/star-wars-ahsoka-episode-4-recap-fallen-jedi-anakin-sky-1850808120?utm_source=regular #starwarstheclonewars #haydenchristensen #fictionalcyborgs #anakinskywalker #starwarsrebels #internetmemes #rosariodawson #morganelsbeth #brendanwayne #johnwilliams #ezrabridger #baylanskoll #darthvader #ahsokatano #davefiloni #lightsaber #palpatine #sabineshe #hyunglee #nickfury #paulsun #ahsoka #ashoka #marrok #thrawn #huyang
#starwarstheclonewars #haydenchristensen #fictionalcyborgs #anakinskywalker #starwarsrebels #internetmemes #rosariodawson #morganelsbeth #brendanwayne #johnwilliams #ezrabridger #baylanskoll #darthvader #ahsokatano #davefiloni #lightsaber #palpatine #sabineshe #hyunglee #nickfury #paulsun #ahsoka #ashoka #marrok #thrawn #huyang
> best Star Wars action
Noice! I'm trying to get caught up with #StarWars, been trying since I started college lol. I was in #Mandalorian but then realized that I needed to see #StarWarsRebels, since that comes first. I'm in the middle of #StarWarsRebels, and then realized I need to see #ObiWanKenobi, because *that* comes first! I'm thinking that I'll watch #ObiWanKenobi, then the rest of #StarWarsRebels, then #Ashoka, then the rest of the #Mandalorian.
#starwars #mandalorian #StarWarsRebels #obiwankenobi #ashoka
Ashoka, traicionada por Sabine, acaba en el mundo entre mundos con Anakin 🤯
Triple: llega antes Ashoka a la galaxia donde está Ezra (atravesando alguno de los portales del mundo entre mundos con la ayuda de Anakin) que Sabine & company
El capítulo de esta semana de #Ashoka me pareció que comenzó algo lento y se me hizo tediosa la primera mitad, pero el final fue increíble, con un gran regreso. Espero con ansias el siguiente episodio. #series #disneyplus #starwars
#ashoka #series #disneyplus #starwars
JSP si c'est un unpopular opinion mais j'aime pas quand l'animation c'est considéré comme "moins bien" que le live action, et que passer de l'animation au live action c'est une "amélioration"
je me plains parce que #CloneWars et #rebels sont animées et des séries incroyables, pourquoi #ashoka est en live action :blobPikaGlare:
Surtout que s'il y a bien un univers qui marche parfaitement en animation c'est #starwars
#CloneWars #rebels #ashoka #starwars
No entiendo el hate que está teniendo el capítulo (y la serie en general) entre podcasters, grupos de Telegram, etc: que si "es lenta", que "no pasa nada", que si "ahora Ashoka es una amargada que se pasa el rato de brazos cruzados", que si "parece que la protagonista es Sabine y no Ashoka" ... en fín 🙄
A mi me está gustando mucho 😋
Quiero una serie con Mon Mothma de protagonista 😍
Super enjoying #Ashoka. Loving the Astrolabe type imagery and the character dynamics. plus another excellent female bad guy who you're kinda rooting for.
I’m enjoying #Ashoka a little more with Ep 3. Fun action. I didn’t watch Clone Wars or Rebels, so I’m sure there is a lot I’m missing.
I thought some of the “A New Hope” callbacks were a little on the nose, but I didn’t mind them at all (e.g., Force training with the blast helmet, rookie in the tail gunner spot).
The weakest of the three so far for me.
I am no expert on Ashoka’s character (and am sure to be inviting some derision) but what I remember of her was that she was so dynamic and full of life. This version seems to be a total downer and by far the least interesting character in the show. So far she hasnt done much to warrant the show being named after her.
Beyond that, the dog fight that made up the bulk of the episode was quite silly.
Seeing the purrgil was the high point
They really just said do the game of thrones opening graphic but make it star wars didn’t they? #ashoka