Adam Bernard · @adambernard
37 followers · 121 posts · Server

Exploring Hatha, Ashtanga, and Kundalini Yoga Practice
Unlock limitless possibilities with these three yoga styles!

#yoga #ashtanga #hatha #kundalini #yogapractice

Last updated 1 year ago

Kieron James · @kieron
229 followers · 433 posts · Server

Absolutely loving my just now. (Really helps that I have the luxury of outdoor practice.) 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️

#yoga #ashtanga #yogi #yogisofmastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Joanne Stocker-Kelly · @joannekelly
1130 followers · 1310 posts · Server

I had a solid fortnight of feeling really great before the shooting pain returned this week. I’m sure now that main trigger is sitting at my desk, and a standing desk isn’t financially feasible until next month.

In good news, I’m managing at least 15-20 mins of solid every day, even knocking out a half primary ( is my true love) on the best days. I can always at least manage the standing sequence. And I’ve a retreat next weekend, which always helps.

#yoga #ashtanga

Last updated 2 years ago

Giselle · @rianteg
26 followers · 80 posts · Server

I didn’t go to Shala because it’s been -38/-40 C here in . But then I had this opportunity to do a virtual led with Yoga ! I’m miles away from my home and my Ashtanga community there , yet I’m so very grateful for their being! Yes, hubby is also an ashtangi!

#montreal #ashtanga #vancouver

Last updated 2 years ago

DNR · @Deadnoreset
109 followers · 1344 posts · Server

Trying to say salutations to the sun this morning, but it’s a very cloudy day.

#ashtanga #yoga

Last updated 2 years ago

C12H22011 · @SweetAdmixture
14 followers · 137 posts · Server

Hoy comencé con clases de y estoy re emocionado. Mi cuerpo lo sintió, sin dudas. Mi cuerpo y mi mente lo agradecieron, sí, cada maldito minuto del resto del día.


Last updated 2 years ago

Theodora Sutcliffe (she/her) · @theodorasutcliffe
323 followers · 546 posts · Server

It's a new year, and in the renewed spirit of optimism, I'm starting a new ashtanga yoga thread. I'm going to try to practice every day of the calendar month but the last one and report back. I suggest muting this thread if yoga isn't for you.

Today, first practice of the new year, was at home and... OK, given the amount of wine I drank last night. Basically, I made it through and sweated out the wine. Which is all one can hope for.

#DailyPractice #yoga #ashtanga

Last updated 2 years ago

uptheiron :verified: · @paolorosso
29 followers · 115 posts · Server

@mestruogeppetto si, si è proprio così. Bisogna imparare a conviverci. Anzi, prevederlo, così ti metti nelle condizioni giuste per te per gestirlo.
Io ho scoperto l'ansia una dozzina di anni fa e da qualche anno la gestisco meglio proprio perchè riesco a prevedere un po' quando arriva e allora anticipo alcune cose che mi fanno rilassare, mi metto nelle condizioni per sfogarlo, cerco aiuto in qualche amico/a.
Una cosa che mi aiuta molto anche è

#ashtanga #yoga

Last updated 2 years ago

· @souljerky
24 followers · 23 posts · Server

rhythms shared

8:30am Saturdays
at Yogasource Santa Fe

#santafe #ashtanga #primaryseries #primedirective

Last updated 2 years ago

Ryan Schiff · @wmassdefender
0 followers · 1 posts · Server
Melvin · @melvin
114 followers · 213 posts · Server

I opted to not nap yesterday (realllly needed good sleep last night -- and I got my first 8 hour night in weeks!!), but I did give myself the night off from work, even though deadlines are fast approaching.

I've recently been leaning into the idea that if I am feeling burnt out/overwhelmed, the move is to focus on relaxing and getting regulated before trying again with the work. And like, really doing it, really letting go of the "but I really have to work! ::stress::" and replacing it with, "I really have to rest if I want to be able to do this work tomorrow!" Sometimes it's not really an option and I have to push through (like for a same-day deadline), but so far I have been having amazing results.

So yesterday, while I was scrolling here deciding what to do with my clunky brain for the evening, I came across someone's share of what they do to help them recover from burn out (gonna try to hunt it down to comment on it) and they mentioned doing gentle movement/yoga. For several years in my mid/late twenties, I practiced fairly regularly, but I haven't done any kind of yoga practice -- and very little movement -- at least since I went back to school full time in 2020.

I was at my friend's empty apartment to help me focus on work, but instead I got to take advantage of a clear space (my room is a nightmare right now) and I did a heavily modified primary series and, holy heckles, my body really needed that!

These pandemic years have had me spending most all day laying in bed on my computer. In the beginning I was hiking every day, but for the last year or more I have barely moved, and I've had new and persistent aches and pains like I'd never experienced before.

It was very, very interesting to me to see how the same practice I did years ago while very active felt to my very sedentary, achy body today!

Okay I am stalling because I have so much work to do... gonna try to shift gears now!

#ashtanga #Yoga

Last updated 2 years ago

Homer White · @homerhanumat
9 followers · 16 posts · Server

. I teach math and data science () at a small liberal arts college in Kentucky. Undergraduate training was in analytic and mathematical , doctorate was in mathematics (). Major side-interest include philology, and history of Indian religion, mostly and classical / . disarmament activist (1980s). I practice yoga and play with my rescue dog. My wife and I enjoy our three grown daughters.

#introduction #rstats #philosophy #logic #ergodictheory #sanskrit #vendanta #yoga #tantra #plowshares #ashtanga

Last updated 2 years ago

Theodora Sutcliffe · @theodorasutcliffe
211 followers · 272 posts · Server

Day 28 of daily Mysore and, while weight loss wasn't the primary goal of this exercise, I hit a BMI of 23.8 this morning, the first time since after I stopped smoking in 2016 that the NHS BMI app has not told me to lose weight!!!

#yoga #ashtanga

Last updated 2 years ago

Davia Downey · @DowneyDavia
51 followers · 14 posts · Server

I am a political scientist. I have an in public management and am broadly interested in the impacts of on . I also study in the US and abroad. I also do a lot of (20+ years) and have practiced for around five years. I currently serve as the director of the PhD at the University of Memphis.

#introduction #mpa #disasters #economicdevelopment #intergovernmentalrelations #Yoga #ashtanga #urbanaffairs

Last updated 2 years ago

Theodora Sutcliffe · @theodorasutcliffe
211 followers · 272 posts · Server

Day 27 of my daily Mysore ashtanga practice and, dear god, I almost gave up today. Horribly hungover: abandoned first attempt after Surya Namaskar A because I thought I was going to puke. Even on second attempt had to take savasana a couple of times.

Anyway, a weird, raggedy, hideous practice, but I got through it. The spine seems to be continuing to open up, I'm way more splitty than I was, and it feels like I may have had a breakthrough on the jump forward.

#yoga #ashtanga

Last updated 2 years ago

Theodora Sutcliffe · @theodorasutcliffe
211 followers · 272 posts · Server

Day 26 of my daily Mysore ashtanga practice - almost through the full month.

Thoroughly expected today's practice at home to be awful. It was in the middle of the day, and I'd eaten, and you're supposed to do ashtanga first thing on an empty stomach.

But, weirdly, joints felt really loose and open, and something seems to have unlocked in my lower back. No huge breakthroughs, but wheel, plough and the closing sequence curls much improved.

#DailyPractice #yoga #ashtanga

Last updated 2 years ago

Theodora Sutcliffe · @theodorasutcliffe
177 followers · 193 posts · Server

As I'm no longer posting on the other place, a random day 23 update from my month of daily Mysore ashtanga.

Dragged myself to the shala this morning: am waking up at 5 to write and had a broken night. But randomly found myself able to hold headstand, come down to pike headstand, and come back up to headstand, something that's eluded me for years.

On the downside, the pain is back. Mainly in the hamstrings but a bit in the ribs.

#DailyPractice #mysore #yoga #ashtanga

Last updated 2 years ago

Siobhan Bellamy (she /her) · @sbw
1 followers · 7 posts · Server

Great find for my new working week! mornings

#ashtanga #hamishhendry #yoga

Last updated 2 years ago

Theodora Sutcliffe · @theodorasutcliffe
160 followers · 173 posts · Server

Halfway through my month of daily , and back in the shala for morning Mysore with a rice field view.

Feeling huge mood benefits. The endorphin rush of strenuous practice, the zen of savasana and the head rush from inversions are quite the cocktail.

Physically, shoulders, hips and knees are all much more open; I've progressed to navasana and I think I'm straightening my arms in wheel.

There's also less pain, which is pleasant! (Either that, or I'm just used to it.)

#yoga #ashtanga

Last updated 2 years ago

Carrie Hunter · @carriehunter
25 followers · 14 posts · Server