The tree removal company arrived today to remove the dead ash trees from our property. The ash trees killed by emerald ash borer (EAB).
Twenty ash trees were removed.
Twenty trees that provided shelter for birds and small mammals, shade, water filtratrion, soil stabilization.
Yes, I am sad. I am angry!
I watched those trees grow from saplings. I nutured them. From the parent tree.
Now they are just debris in our yard. Even the parent.
#southstpaul #minnesota #ashtree #eab #emeraldashborer
Getting better and better at sawing and axing the wood. This Ash tree fell during a storm over a month ago and on weekends we've been turning it into fire wood.
#OurWawar #ashtree #fallentree #sawing #axework #woodchopping #campfirewood #choppingwood #firewood #healthylifestyle #weekendworkout
#OurWawar #ashtree #fallentree #sawing #axework #woodchopping #campfirewood #choppingwood #firewood #healthylifestyle #weekendworkout
I love this little #AshTree outside my window (there's a busy road between us) and every Autumn I take photos to follow its leaf-loss. Today's gusty warm wind has stripped away the last few.