John Reed Pavan · @johnpavan
568 followers · 547 posts · Server

For those that don't know what lady bug larva look like, here's a Harmonia axyridis larva (also know as the Asian Lady Beetle). As you can see they eat aphids, so if you don't like aphids, let these guys eat them.

#harmoniaaxyridis #asianladybeetle #ladybug #bugs #beetles #nature #wildlife #insects #entomology #randallsisland #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #macro #ultramacro

Last updated 1 year ago

Madelief · @TuinMadelief
231 followers · 1643 posts · Server

🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht.
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume.
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight.
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny.

#harmoniaaxyridis #sluneckovychodni #asianladybeetle #asiatischermarienkafer #MijnTuinLeeft #aziatischlieveheersbeestje

Last updated 2 years ago

Chillumz · @chillumz
1 followers · 17 posts · Server

Don't forget Asian Lady Beetles are pests in the US. These beetles look nearly identical to lady bugs, but they infest homes, and they can cause serious injury to dogs (I'm sure they can cause harm to other animals as well, since they contain a toxic component)
They are not known to sting, but they can bite (it feels like a pinch). While they may not seem dangerous, they can also invoke allergic reactions.
Stay safe 💗💗💗

#ladybug #asianladybeetle #information #pest #allergies #fyi #safety

Last updated 2 years ago

John Reed Pavan · @johnpavan
417 followers · 372 posts · Server