Who is Carmel Sepuloni? New Zealand’s first Pasifika deputy prime minister
#NewZealandMEWS #NewZealandPoliticsMEWS #PacificIslandsMEWS #AsiaPacificMEWS #LabourPartyMEWS
The daughter of an abattoir worker and fruit picker, Sepuloni could have exactly the expertise the PM needs to tackle a brutal cost of living crisisCarmel Sepuloni admits her father...
#newzealandmews #newzealandpoliticsmews #pacificislandsmews #asiapacificmews #labourpartymews
Japan PM aide told off by his ‘ashamed’ mother for putting hands in pockets on Biden trip
#JapanMEWS #AsiaPacificMEWS #WorldNewsMEWS
Social media users said Seiji Kihara had bad manners and ‘more attitude than the prime minister’ but it was his mother’s comments that struck homeA senior aide to Japan’s prime minister, Fumio Kishida, ...
#japanmews #asiapacificmews #worldnewsmews
Hipkins is unlikely to reach heights of Jacindamania, and that may suit New Zealanders
#ChrisHipkinsMEWS #NewZealandMEWS #AsiaPacificMEWS #NewZealandPoliticsMEWS #LabourPartyMEWS #JacindaArdernMEWS
Chris Hipkins promises a ‘solid’ government that will focus on bread-and-butter issues, in the wake of the international stardom of Jacinda ArdernJ...
#chrishipkinsmews #newzealandmews #asiapacificmews #newzealandpoliticsmews #labourpartymews #jacindaardernmews
New Zealand’s Chris Hipkins vows to focus on inflation ‘pandemic’ and ‘fairer’ tax system
#NewZealandPoliticsMEWS #NewZealandMEWS #LabourPartyMEWS #AsiaPacificMEWS
Incoming prime minister echoes Jacinda Ardern’s promise to cut back Labour’s agenda to focus on cost of living issuesNew Zealand’s next prime minister, Chris Hipkins, has...
#newzealandpoliticsmews #newzealandmews #labourpartymews #asiapacificmews
‘Not soulless blocks of rice’: the secret world of Japan’s robot sushi chefs
#JapanMEWS #FoodMEWS #AsiaPacificMEWS #WorldNewsMEWS #TechnologyMEWS
Cutting-edge technology is helping food chains reach the holy grail of flawless, contactless, low-budget diningThe secret behind the hi-tech future of sushi lies in an unremarkable building in the backstreets of Osaka.Inside...
#japanmews #foodmews #asiapacificmews #worldnewsmews #technologymews
Lunar new year brings China out from under pall of Covid
#ChinaMEWS #LunarNewYearMEWS #AsiaPacificMEWS #WorldNewsMEWS
End of zero-Covid policy allows family gatherings and largest festivities since pandemic beganPeople across China have rung in the lunar new year with family gatherings and crowds visiting temples after the government lifted its strict zero-Covid policy, marki...
#chinamews #lunarnewyearmews #asiapacificmews #worldnewsmews
New Zealand: Labour caucus votes in Chris Hipkins to succeed Jacinda Ardern
#NewZealandPoliticsMEWS #LabourPartyMEWS #JacindaArdernMEWS #NewZealandMEWS #WorldNewsMEWS #AsiaPacificMEWS
Sole nominee secures endorsement for prime minister, with Carmel Sepuloni to become first ever deputy prime minister of Pasifika backgroundChris Hipkins will be New Zealand’s...
#newzealandpoliticsmews #labourpartymews #jacindaardernmews #newzealandmews #worldnewsmews #asiapacificmews
Chris Hipkins profile: who is New Zealand’s next prime minister after Jacinda Ardern?
#NewZealandMEWS #JacindaArdernMEWS #AsiaPacificMEWS #NewZealandPoliticsMEWS
‘Chippy’ weathered Covid pandemic, now faces new storms and Labour’s flagging popularity ahead of 2023 electionNew Zealand’s incoming prime minister, Chris Hipkins, steered the cou...
#newzealandmews #jacindaardernmews #asiapacificmews #newzealandpoliticsmews
China’s future to AI and jobs: five big questions from Davos
#Davos2023MEWS #DavosMEWS #BusinessMEWS #ChinaMEWS #ChineseEconomyMEWS #GlobalRecessionMEWS #GlobalEconomyMEWS #EconomicsMEWS #AsiaPacificMEWS #WorldNewsMEWS #ArtificialIntelligence(ai)MEWS #GreenEconomyMEWS #BidenAdministrationMEWS #UsNewsMEWS #DebtReliefMEWS #GreenhouseGasEmissionsMEWS #EnergyIndustryMEWS #FossilFuelsMEWS
#davos2023mews #davosmews #businessmews #chinamews #chineseeconomymews #globalrecessionmews #globaleconomymews #economicsmews #asiapacificmews #worldnewsmews #artificialintelligence #greeneconomymews #bidenadministrationmews #usnewsmews #debtreliefmews #greenhousegasemissionsmews #energyindustrymews #fossilfuelsmews
Chris Hipkins set to become next prime minister of New Zealand
#NewZealandMEWS #JacindaArdernMEWS #AsiaPacificMEWS #WorldNewsMEWS
Minister selected by Labour party to succeed Jacinda Ardern after her shock resignation on Thursday A new prime minister for New Zealand has been chosen by the Labour party after the shock resignation of Jacinda Ardern on Thursday.Chris Hipki...
#newzealandmews #jacindaardernmews #asiapacificmews #worldnewsmews
Food, firecrackers and family reunions: how lunar new year is celebrated differently across Asia
#LunarNewYearMEWS #ChinaMEWS #VietnamMEWS #AsiaPacificMEWS #LifeAndStyleMEWS #WorldNewsMEWS #MalaysiaMEWS #HongKongMEWS #TaiwanMEWS
From Taiwan to Vietnam, Malaysia to China, millions of families are gathering to celebrate the start of the year of the rabbitFor billions of people across Asia and in Asian diaspora commu...
#lunarnewyearmews #chinamews #vietnammews #asiapacificmews #lifeandstylemews #worldnewsmews #malaysiamews #hongkongmews #taiwanmews