I'm ambivalent about #Foundation on Apple TV, but leaning towards the positive. based on the most recent episode, we can't accuse them of not going big; some were on #GoT and they tend to wreak havoc in Ep. 9 out of 10.
Still, I'd like to see the writers honour the overarching vision that #Asimov developed over the whole series; if they do, I'm not too concerned about details. I'm watching it all with one eye on the big picture; a picture the size of a galaxy.
#Asimov was wrong, #Lem was wrong. All the #ScienceFiction authors of the 20th century claimed, humanity would build a #sentient #humanoid #android.
That's not how this will unfold. Humanity will first build a sentient #autonomous #car.
#Boomers don't want companions, they want wombs. Wombs on wheels if you will.
Think of #AI as Auto Intelligence. This even works in German: #KI is KraftfahrzeugIntelligenz. 😜
#ai #android #autonomous #ki #asimov #sciencefiction #boomers #lem #sentient #humanoid #car
Y a la #esperanza de que la #guerra contra la insensatez pueda ganarse algún día, a pesar de todo.
#humanidad #esperanza #guerra #asimov
I know #Foundation TV show is not much related to origina Isaac #Asimov's books, but OMG I'm enjoying it!
Probably the fact that they are not following the books but writing a different story within same context is making me eager to know more and enjoying it a lot!
It has been a while since I've had so much fun with a #scifi TV show!
A little late, I'm embarking on the second season of Foundation (AppleTV+). For the occasion, my long deep dive on the spaceships of the first season - from design to screen - is accessible to everyone. The second part will be published in Fall.
==> https://www.patreon.com/posts/57977226
#foundation #scifi #spaceships #conceptart #asimov #model #miniature #appletvplus #paulchadeisson
#foundation #scifi #spaceships #conceptart #asimov #model #miniature #appletvplus #paulchadeisson
OK, geht los. Die #KI (künstlicher Idiot) gegen die Menschheit.😎 🤦♀️ 🤣 War ja zu erwarten, dass die uns ausrotten will, das Verhalten wird ja so in reichlich Science Fiction „vorgelebt“, außer vielleicht bei #Asimov und seine #Robotergesetzen.
#ki #asimov #robotergesetzen #sciencefiction
Sometimes I #write #shortstories that make people say, "But you look like such a nice lady!" Here's one of them: "Tilt" from the "Asimov's Podcast, narrated by the #author (that's me, recovering from a cold at the time of recording, so I didn't have it in me to do more takes ) #triggerwarnings for #violence #language and general #peoplebehavingbadly # #writing #fiction #sciencefiction #asimov https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/asimovs/episodes/2023-08-29T12_22_04-07_00
#write #shortstories #author #triggerwarnings #violence #language #peoplebehavingbadly #writing #fiction #sciencefiction #asimov
#asimov #foundation #cavesofsteel #robots #empire
Moin alle 🌻
🌐 rüberschieb 👉🥐🥐☕☕
🌐 ab Freitag könnten wir 14 Mill. Einwohnende im #Fediverse sein. Find ich 💪
🌐 heute ist auch #JudgementDay. Vor 26 Jahren, am 29.08.1997, wurde #Skynet aktiviert... 💀🦿🦾
🌐 besser man vertraut keiner KI, von der man nicht sicher weiß ob sie die Regeln nach Isaac #Asimov respektiert. Just sayin
🌐 in diesem Sinne, kommt gut durch den Tag, lasst euch nicht provozieren und bleibt freundlich.
#terminator3 #gtnmrgn #asimov #skynet #judgementday #fediverse
No one ever called Otto Binder #BOTD (1911-1974) lazy.
Writer of the Adam Link, Robot series in the pulps which were a huge inspiration to #Asimov and others. Then drifted to comics with long runs at Fawcett and DC and short runs at most others. DC editor E. Nelson Bridwell assessed Binder’s total output at "almost 50,000 pages of comics".
1/2 ⬇️
#OttoBinder #AdamLink #ScienceFiction #Pulps #DC #DCComics #LoSH #FawcettComics #SilverAge #ComicBooks #Comics @comics
#botd #asimov #ottobinder #adamlink #sciencefiction #pulps #dc #dccomics #losh #fawcettcomics #silverage #comicbooks #comics
Estoy viendo la segunda temporada de #Fundación y flipando en colores... de que no se esté hablando de ella.🤯
Si fuera una serie de HBO en lugar de Apple, todo el mundo estaría hablando maravillas de ella como si de Juego de Tronos o Star Wars se tratara.
#cienciaficción #tv #series #foundation #asimov
#fundacion #cienciaficcion #tv #series #foundation #asimov
Ho visto ep. 6 La Fondazione seconda stagione. Molto bene.
#asimov #TheFoundation
The book of the unnamed midwife, by #MegEllison. (I loooooooove this book, and it’s not an overstatement)
Also, Robots and empire, by #Asimov where there’s a threat of disaster looming over the entire planet earth (or, is there?) which might or might not end humanity or alter its destiny for ever and ever (or at least for a couple tens of thousands of years)
December 1950
#geekdom #ScienceFiction #Paperback #Asimov #MidCenturyLife #Illustration
#geekdom #sciencefiction #paperback #asimov #midcenturylife #illustration
@Uraael @noodlemaz
This goes well beyond purism.
I'm fine with changes as long as they support the core theme.
This show entirely throws out #Asimov's theme (many generations of competent mortals who follow a violence-free plan to gradually improve the future) and replaces it with essentially a standard action trope (superheroes who span centuries and luckily save the galaxy because their enemies had bad aim).
Really the only things in common are a few names of people & places.
Zu bai #paperjalea zarela!!! Nik hilabeteetan irakurri nuena, zuk pare bat astetan! 😵
Zientzia fikzioan sartu zarela, #Asimov irakurri duzu? Niri asko gustatu zitzaidan eta ale dezente idatzi zituen! Orain dela gutxi @kilkerra-k irakurri eta epel geratu zen baina beste batzuek ondo hitz egin zuten...
@RiverRock @mikelgs @astrapotro @anagalarraga1 @izarobasurko
Ok, Foundation question: how was Gaal able to perform telekinesis in her meeting on the ship with Tellem? That happened and didn't seem to be explained...and I can't find anything indicating she has mental abilities beyond seeing the future
#foundation #asimov #gaal #tellem #season2
@jewishreader I’m on the fence about #Foundation, but recognize the challenge of bringing such a classic #SciFi that changed everything and was written in a completely different era.
Most of #Asimov ‘s writing was expository driven and not character driven drama.
Modern TV shows survive or die based on strong diverse character arcs. So you have to change some stuff.
Season 2 seems to get back to the core of #Foundation , but it’s still unclear if they are hitting that mark.