#Cfp Deadline for CAPTURE_ERC and ASIS&T European Chapter
conf on Information Science Perspectives to Documenting Processes and Practices abstract deadline extended to April 25. Read more and submit at https://abm.uu.se/research/Ongoing+Research+Projects/capture/events/conference--information-science-perspectives-to-documenting-processes-and-practices/
#paradata #asist
Nominations to all ASIS&T Awards 2023 open until March 31 https://www.asist.org/programs-services/awards-honors/ #asist
What did I do in 2022?
--- brought in more money for #domesticviolence Injury & prevention VCU_Injury & Violennce Prevention Program at #VCUHealth
--- presented on our work at the #PanAmerican Trauma Congress
--- recert to teach #ASIST with Living Works
--- make interesting radio with Sheri Shannon = #WomenandPolitics on WRIR-LP 97.3 FM https://www.wrir.org
--- started a second music show .. so DJ twice a week with #WomenArtRevolution & #aDronesLife
--- rescue more cats so have 4 now!
#domesticviolence #vcuhealth #panamerican #asist #womenandpolitics #womenartrevolution #adroneslife