Amy writes to Ask Alina for advice on how to end a volatile relationship of five years after realizing insurmountable differences.
#alameda #AskAlina #BreakUps #DifficultConversation #relationships
#alameda #askalina #breakups #difficultconversation #relationships
BZ Mom writes to Ask Alina for advice while feeling stressed-out and over-committed as part of the "Sandwich Generation."
#stress #alameda #AskAlina #marriage #parenthood #relationships #FamilyRelationships
#stress #alameda #askalina #marriage #parenthood #relationships #familyrelationships
At close to forty years old, WannaBeAMama writes to Ask Alina for advice on becoming a mother and single parenthood after choosing to freeze eggs six years ago.
#AskAlina #children #marriage #pregnancy #motherhood #parenthood #EggFreezing #relationships
#askalina #children #marriage #pregnancy #motherhood #parenthood #eggfreezing #relationships
SG writes to Ask Alina for advice and support after realizing they want a divorce. With two young children in the mix, SG is feeling guilty and scared.
#alameda #divorce #AskAlina #marriage #relationships #DifficultConversation
#alameda #divorce #askalina #marriage #relationships #difficultconversation
Concerned Boyfriend writes to Ask Alina for advice while they watch their girlfriend recover from substance abuse and an eating disorder.
#alameda #AskAlina #recovery #relationships #EatingDisorder #SubstanceAbuse
#alameda #askalina #recovery #relationships #eatingdisorder #substanceabuse
Deep in Debt writes to Ask Alina for advice on how to deal with financial anxiety. Like many Americans, they carry debt, have no savings, and fear that a layoff would lead to serious and immediate financial trouble.
#money #alameda #jobloss #askalina #finances #StudentDebt
Punching Bag Partner writes to Ask Alina for advice after their girlfriend has been struggling with depression for months.
#alameda #askalina #depression #mentalhealth #relationships
This week, Anonymous writes to Ask Alina for advice after their husband falls victim to the latest tech layoffs, which is putting a strain on their marriage.
#Alameda #JobLoss #AskAlina #Marriage #Unemployment #Relationships
#alameda #jobloss #askalina #marriage #unemployment #relationships
JM writes to Ask Alina about pursing marriage therapy after discovering text messages with another woman on their husband's phone.
#Alameda #AskAlina #Marriage #Relationships #MarriageTherapy
#alameda #askalina #marriage #relationships #marriagetherapy
Husband-In-Shock writes to Ask Alina for advice after his wife asks for a trial separation, citing that she is not happy in the marriage. It could be a case of walkaway wife syndrome.
#Alameda #AskAlina #Marriage #Counseling #Separation #Relationships #WalkawayWifeSyndrome
#alameda #askalina #marriage #counseling #separation #relationships #walkawaywifesyndrome