Mo :ferris: :tux: · @mo8it
391 followers · 1400 posts · Server

I did develop and publish it in about 6 days in my free time. For people that say that is an overkill for backends ๐Ÿคจ

It is often a matter of practice to be productive in any language. Rust already offers the ecosystem.

I did write a helper library that is highly opinionated to be even more productive and share code between my + + projects:

It is not documented yet ๐Ÿ˜… I will document it and might even write a blog post about it ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

#rust #Axum #sqlx #askama #rustlang

Last updated 1 year ago

Hasnayeen :verified: · @hasnayeen
25 followers · 239 posts · Server

Dec 23
forgot to update regularly.
- working on my web app
- using web framework
- for templating picked
- using for styling
- for db using
- basic structure is done
- next need to add error handling, tracing
so far enjoying writing

#axum #askama #tailwindcss #SurrealDB #rustlang

Last updated 2 years ago