Johnny Profane Âû · @johnnyprofane1
1264 followers · 400 posts · Server

Do any of my or friends have the technical skills to help me with a project?

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @btaroli

I've tried working any number of AutoGPT-like apps, Code Interpreter etc ... but can't get anywhere with my skills...

I'd like to create a {Python} app that I could run that asked for a news search term and time period and gave me links and summaries on a specific topic.

Something like "give me news reports on 'autism and police' in the last 7 days."

This was simple a couple of months ago... but with the restricted web search on most of the platforms, I'm stymied.

I'd use it to create weekly summaries... and for further reading lists on my articles.

For that matter, a separate app (?) could scan an article I've written and suggest related further reading links. Mebbe fund articles on my own site to cross link.

Anybody able to help?

#actuallyautistic #adhd #askingautists #AskingAutistics

Last updated 1 year ago

I am really hoping I get the internship i applied for but I want to keep my options open in case I don't get my internship.
My question is for other autistic adults what internships have you done what was good and bad and what should I look for as red flags in an internship?


Last updated 2 years ago

Late Autist · @Chelley
80 followers · 82 posts · Server

Do you experience ? I am less sensitive to emotional empathy but I have heightened pain empathy which always manifests in an unpleasant sensation in my personal parts - it is a shooting pain and shudders/goosebumps. I am curious as to whether this is common for people?

#askingautists #painempathy #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago