· @minifix
1 followers · 15 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Anyone knows how to reload the current file in Ed?

I could type `e filename.txt` [1] to load that file into the buffer, but if I just want to reload the current file, is there a shortcut? I want to undo some changes.

1. www2.phys.canterbury.ac.nz/dep

#asking #askingmastodon #ed #unix #ededitor

Last updated 2 years ago

GinevraCat · @GinevraCat
130 followers · 1315 posts · Server toot.community

Technical question: can I add a CW to a toot that I boost which did not have one initially?

#askingmastodon #technicalquestion

Last updated 2 years ago

Frances_Larina · @Frances_Larina
264 followers · 291 posts · Server mastodon.lol

On the web client, is there a way to see on the following list to see who is a mutual without clicking on each user to see their profile page?

With the followers list there's an icon of a person with either an 'x' (click to unfollow) or '+' (click to follow).


Last updated 2 years ago

Lauantai moikat!!!

Tuli tällainen kysymys vastaan...

Missä ammatissa kuvittelisit mun olevan profiilikuvan perusteella?

Based on my profile picture, what profession would you imagine me to be in? 🤔


Last updated 2 years ago