fsnk :NeonCat: · @fsnk
504 followers · 3666 posts · Server mastodon.acc.sunet.se

Need to move a domain off Gandi, they're now the most expensive renewal I've seen for this tld (double)

narrowed it down to alwaysdata (alwaysdata.com) and ovh (ovhcloud.com)

anyone have experiences, opinions, endorsements or warnings for either of these companies?

(boosts welcome :blobcatpizza: )

#recommendation #tld #domain #DomainRegistrar #askmasto #techhelp

Last updated 1 year ago

Gomez :baner: · @gomez
3823 followers · 3840 posts · Server toot.wales

Anyone from or living in Athens?

I'm thinking of visiting over Xmas & the New Year and was looking for some advice on the best areas to stay in the city.

Also will the good & drink places be closed over the holiday, in which case I'll need to find a hotel with a restaurant.

Any general visitor tips greatly received.

Boosts welcome.

#askmasto #greece #athens #travel #AskFedi

Last updated 1 year ago

Stu :att: · @og
273 followers · 7022 posts · Server allthingstech.social

Can someone give me a hand on filling in the profile page for my new instance home page?

#newhost #askfedi #askmasto

Last updated 1 year ago

deriver · @deriver
27 followers · 162 posts · Server fosstodon.org
Arosano aka Niels · @arosano
21 followers · 425 posts · Server hachyderm.io

1. OAuth (logging in with a Google or other account) is a security risk. Do not use it.
2. The chatroom sounds like a centralized service on a decentralized infrastructure. We can communicate across instance boundaries already. Actually this is an example.

#question #askfediverse #askfedi #askmastodon #askmasto #chat #communication #InstantMessenger

Last updated 1 year ago

Gomez :baner: · @gomez
3830 followers · 3811 posts · Server toot.wales

I just found a small ziplock bag when clearing my desk, with these two tiny circuit boards.

I have no idea where they came from or what they are for?

Can anyone help me identify them?

#AskFedi #askmasto #electronics

Last updated 1 year ago

Gomez :baner: · @gomez
3830 followers · 3811 posts · Server toot.wales

BTW I'm still looking for someone who is versed in the arts of as the people who responded to my last requested disappeared when I asked them to email me a bio and rates.

It's a freelance, paid gig and I don't care where you are in the world. You just need to be able to communicate in English as that's all I speak and what the web site content is written in.

Boosts welcome.

#seo #wordpress #marketing #AskFedi #askmasto #work

Last updated 1 year ago

vorrei attivare un'utenza solo per acqua calda, e sto cercando fornitori climaneutrali per il nord Italia. Finora ho trovato , qualcuno ha esperienza con loro o me ne sa consigliare degli altri? Grazie in anticipo!

#askmasto #gas #alperia

Last updated 1 year ago

Owl Liberation Now! · @godtierchaoticgay
125 followers · 1409 posts · Server queer.party

Looking for PC game recommendations from the 1990s up to the early 2000s so have something Fun and Good and Nice to play on my 2013 Macbook. So far I've got Morrowind, Dungeon Keeper, Scratches Directors Cut, HoMM IV and Neverwinter Nights running I'm looking for similar games with immaculate vibes to chill to. Boosts welcome!


Last updated 2 years ago

Gomez :baner: · @gomez
3991 followers · 3427 posts · Server toot.wales

Anyone know of a WordPress gallery plugin that can extract the GPS co-ordinates from the EXIF info and display the photo location on a map?

#photography #askmasto #AskFedi #exif #gallery #wordpress

Last updated 2 years ago

Ignis Incendio · @ignis
291 followers · 6083 posts · Server poketopia.city

Is there a way to remove someone from Explore > For You recommendations? It seems like right now the simplest way is to mute them lol

#askfedi #askmasto

Last updated 2 years ago

Antoine · @antoinechev
12 followers · 92 posts · Server toot.aquilenet.fr

J'adore le fait que les gens ici promeuvent les logiciels libres, spécialement quand il s'agit de logiciels pour les créatifs. 🎨🪄
Et vous, qu'est-ce que vous aimez le plus sur Mastodon ?

#askmasto #ask #question

Last updated 2 years ago

coffe ☕ · @coffe
129 followers · 75 posts · Server mastodon.art

Please help a fella out.

For drawing (and as a replacement for my broken iPad Pro gen 1:

A new Microsoft Surface Pro 8, i5, 8gb RAM, 256GB + keyboard case + slim pen 2 = 11000 swedish kroner (1055 USD)

Good deal or stinky poo?

#askartist #artist #krita #askfedi #askmasto #MastoArt

Last updated 2 years ago

Gtmlosangeles · @Gtmlosangeles
160 followers · 866 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Dear Masto,

I wonder if you have any advice to help my best friend, Bruno. He really wants to connect with an opposite sex partner, at least one, but he is failing miserably. It’s not surprising because his idea of conversation starters usually involve making repeated, very loud noises. Do you have any suggestions?

K9 carer


Last updated 2 years ago

Adam J. Aviv 🔒 · @adamaviv
157 followers · 105 posts · Server infosec.exchange

My wife wants to create a mastodon account, but would love some recs on an instance that fits her professional and personal life well. Asking the for some input.

She's works in community arts and nonprofit development. We aren't sure that the big social instances, like mastodon.social, are the right place because of their size and lack of specificity. She's looking for an instance with other like minded folks with a good number of active users but not a huge, overwhelming number, and good moderation policies.


p.s. I know it doesn't matter too much which instance in the long run, but we all know that it's an important first step that we all have to take.

#fediverse #askmastodon #askfedi #askfediverse #askmasto #askingforafriend

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
392 followers · 9824 posts · Server toot.cat

Heeft iemand hier toevallig een PDF, scans of gewoon foto's van de pagina's van het van (met advies van )?
muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Het_Koe heeft een lijst van (Engelse) recept titels, en op de website van heb ik één van de pagina's kunnen vinden (chocolade mint milkshakes), maar het lijkt me leuk om een aantal van de andere recepten met de kleine te maken, vooral de choco-rotsjes ¹.

Ik hoop dat ik de uitgave uit mijn eigen jeugd nog ergens heb, maar dat zal verstopt zitten in een doos waar ik moeilijk bij kan komen nu, dus ik hoop dat iemand misschien een digitale versie voor mij heeft. :)

¹ Ja, ik weet dat het recept niet moeilijk is en dat er diverse online recepten voor 'cornflake chocolate clusters' te vinden zijn, maar dat voelt toch anders. :)

#koekiemonster #kookboek #hildevanoostrum #johannesvandam #maaikevankessel #beardgrabber #durftevragen #askfedi #askmasto #hetkoekiemonsterkookboek

Last updated 2 years ago

Jo Grimm · @gummibunny
61 followers · 176 posts · Server mas.to

Does anyone know how I can find out if someone has passed away? Preferably a website that doesnt have a paywall? A few of us at work are trying to find out if one of our old coworkers has left us.


Last updated 2 years ago

ScriptFanix · @ScriptFanix
460 followers · 43455 posts · Server pouet.chapril.org

Pour l'ordi du boulot, j'ai régulièrement des freeze à cause du GPU intégré au AMD Ryzen Pro 5... Du coup j'me tâte à leur demander un nouveau laprtop et je regarde Tuxedo... Quelqu'un a une expérience avec eux ? Ou mieux à recommander ?

boosts appréciés


Last updated 2 years ago

audrina · @audrinabell
20 followers · 154 posts · Server twixter.eu

unfortunately seeing a lot of disappointing gamer-y artwork that adds to the digital wastelands and so far made more mute choices than ⭐

➡ curious who is in the making things that are and and working to counteract and and material extraction in work

any ? any ?

@Curator  ??

#retoot #selfboost #art #fediverse #political #difficult #protest #capitalism #creative #galleries #publications #fediart #mastoart #askfedi #askmasto #askmastoart #artist #ecology #socialist #cooperative #activist

Last updated 2 years ago

audrina · @audrinabell
20 followers · 154 posts · Server twixter.eu

unfortunately seeing a lot of disappointing gamer-y artwork that adds to the digital wastelands and so far made more mute choices than ⭐

➡ curious who is in the making things that are and and working to counteract and and material extraction in work

any ? any ?

@Curator  ??

#retoot #selfboost #art #fediverse #political #difficult #protest #capitalism #creative #galleries #publications #fediart #mastoart #askfedi #askmasto #askmastoart #artist #ecology #socialist #cooperative #activist

Last updated 2 years ago